Saturday, December 4, 2021

Card night

Sleep is not my friend I awoke at 6:30 and laid awake until S got up to pee at 8 and then I went and rousted H from the garage at 8:30, WTH ;) I fed her and S made coffee then he started a fire. It is a cool -7 overcast day. I watered all the plants as the fire crackled then worked on ads to try and sell the desk. S went out after 10 to let cats out, toss the ball for H a bit, hook up power to his deck decor then took her for walk.

Back inside he helped me carry the desk downstairs to a spot I had cleared then warmed up by the fire. Snow started to softly fall making for a super pretty winter day. Bacon was put in for sandwiches for lunch. Avocado and tomato were added (onion for S too) and enjoyed before S was off to the couch for a nap and I marketing.

Britt and Cooper were out after 1:30, she was off to feed the horses with the dogs heading out with her in their winter coats but soon were too hot and had them removed. She is leaving Cooper for the night so she can study then write her test at 7 am in the morning however she forgot his food so had to run back to town to get it.

watch my snow video

Stouts are coming over for game night so we go to work tidying; S vacuumed while I cleaned bathrooms and changed the dog kennel bedding. This hard work required another nap by the fire in big brown for S. I continued to put the desk on selling sites while taking a few cookie jam breaks in front of the fire. The dogs were fed after a lengthy play outside then out again with S to put the cats away. The snow finally let up late afternoon but what a lovely cover of fresh powder.

I made tacos for supper with a quick tidy before Stouts arrived at 7 for an evening of visiting and cards. They were off for home at 11:30. I finished the Tiger King season before lights out.

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