Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Surprise Dad road trip

I woke many times to check the time as usual when I have a trip planned. Today Amanda and I are running to the Hat to visit Dad. I was up at 8 getting dressed, a beverage and snack packed, the dogs fed, the cats let out and the 2 ginger horses hay tossed in their little pen. Amanda and Aislyn arrived at 9 and we were off. 

Shaina is off to the city for the day at 10 so will let dogs out before she goes and today will be Harley's first entire day left home alone with Lexi as her company. We arrived in the hat after 11 and seeing Dad would be eating lunch soon we stopped at A&W and had a quick lunch too. He was very surprised when we walked into his room and was ready to escape in short order.

Amanda had thought to take him to Echo Dale but when I brought up the map it said temporarily closed, rats. Next option was police point so off we went. Wouldn't you know it that once we finally could take him out today decided to have wind warnings and a chilly edge even though PLUS 12 but overcast. That did not stop our walk through the park and along the river with Aislyn as our tour guide on her bike ahead of us.

Next we took a leisurely drive around the outskirts of the city then out on a road to deliver a parcel to Amanda's friend. This tour continued past the airport, thru the desert blume area to see the new homes then to the favorite stop for Dad and Aislyn: Dairy Queen! The sun was now peeking out so eating the ice cream in the warm sunshine inside the vehicle in the parking lot was perfect.

We were then off to the cottage and his room where Amanda gave him a well needed hair cut. Aislyn colored him a nice picture for his wall. After 3 he walked us to the door having enjoyed the surprise visit. We had a quick bathroom break at the main building then jetted home. I was dropped back home just after 5:30 and quickly let the dogs out after their long day inside. I also scrambled to get the Christmas lights restarted for Aislyn to see by the time they got to the gate. THANKS Amanda for having me join you two.

Now to feed the dogs their supper and soak horse feed. A lady had dropped off a dining set during the day so that was the next order of business to get it all moved inside. Some leftover chicken and to the computer to get a post up. Britt and Cooper arrived as I was doing so, she fed horses and gave Pep his bute dose and put the kitties away before she was off for home. After catching up on computer work I called it an early night heading to bed at 8 to watch more Clickbait. Shaina was home from the city just before 10 and off to her room.

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