Tuesday, November 16, 2021


What a night, the hurricane winds woke me at 2 am (it was now plus 7) and roared thru the entire night which caused a very restless sleep. H wanted out at 6 but turned around immediately not wanting to leave the door with the ugly wind. I put her in the garage till I was up at 8 where it was now +1. And up with a start as now it was light I saw the main gates had blown open a bit and no horses in sight. I jumped out of bed and found them hunkered along the north tree line. I hurriedly did chores like strip the bed and throw in the laundry, put away dishes now dry, moved laundry basket to spare room with now dry do blankets then hauled H's kennel and bedding out to the deck. This was a challenge with the darn wind too. Of course H was fed too after she and I ran to open the yard gate in my housecoat, BRRRRR for the cleaner to arrive. Now to quickly get dressed just before she arrived at 9.

A quick chat and she was underway, I made an iced coffee and headed to join Harley in the garage. She and I got busy doing garage laundry, cleaning brushes and bowls and working on Britt's dresser. My paint module had a suggestion for the interiors of old dressers which I have done before as well as drawer runners so all the drawers inside and out were treated as was the dresser inside. Then the surfaces were buffed when dry. The top and drawers fronts were clear coats twice and the broken caster looked at but no solution without consulting the head carpenter.

Harley got a birthday rib partway thru the day which she took out into the windstorm to devour. She is celebrating all week.

I heard a vehicle drive in and low and behold I had a hello fresh box delivered that I obviously did not get cancelled. Looks like supper is covered for a few gays this week :) I started a new project; a lazy susan in warm white and magnolias so cleaned it up and got the first coat of paint on.

I scrubbed up a vintage bar kit and using the same product I used on the unpainted wood I polished the silver items and put the bottles in the dishwasher. Mid day I noticed the cargo trailer vent flapping so went to tighten. Inside the trailer was just a rocking. Man the wind was insane, even holding the man door with both hands as I was getting out it flung me with the door into the stucco wall but I did get the vent tight :) A bit later I saw the horses had went into the winter pasture so braved the winds and drove the quad with H running alongside to shut them in. While we were out we checked on the kitties leaving them inside today and filling the food dish.

The cleaning gal finished before 2 so I came in to pay her and she was off. I booked her for next month and at her affordable pricing it will be a nice treat monthly. I washed up a few wall areas I noticed and hauled H's kennel and bedding back in. Then it was computer catch up including finishing the wooden bowl tutorial and getting it posted to all the right places and emails to the paint company.

The weather was not letting up but at least it was not snowing like Oyen. It seems another paint parcel was just delivered but only to the gate so I took the horse food I had mixed up and headed down (now -3). It was so blustery in the bitter wind but I got Bird and Pepper out and they slowly ate. Bird did not even want all hers so everyone else except Roo got a few mouthfuls. I had walked to the gate to pick up the parcel while they ate then back to the house.

Back at the warm house I tried the smelly butta on the stainless steel appliances. Note to self, start on a small area ;)

Shaina arrived home before 5:30 safely but feeling sick, ate her take out and off to make work calls. It seems her free drive thru PCR covid test arrived in time and was valid when shown coming back into Canada :) I worked on marketing and tutorials then started another online paint course chapter. Britt and Cooper were out for his bathroom break after 6:30. She and I looked at knobs I have on hand for her dresser and ones online quickly before she left for home at 7. Back to my course finishing up before 9 and off to make my bed with the freshly washed sheets to watch Mrs Maisel. The wind has finally subsided to a breeze and -6 now.

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