Friday, November 12, 2021

Cool to warm kinda day

The day started very brr out once I was up to feed the dogs at 8:30. Both wanted out at 4 am then one went to the garage and the other the kennel but wouldn't you know it I was awake at 6, 7 and 8 lol. I hit the coffee button as I sent them out to do their business. Marketing for me and phone calls for S.

glass pretty but not for this dresser

The dresser was touched up, the drawer runners waxed, set in and a few knobs tried. S made scrambled eggs, toast and beans for lunch and to his eggs he added taco meat and onions creating a fancy omelet. A lady had contacted me to donated a table and 4 chairs, she even delivered it right to our door. S helped us unload and after a visit she was off. Time to make up the horse food.

What a beautiful afternoon it turned into hitting . I headed out to feed the horses who were split 3 on each side of the yard. Sheldon had grabbed a few scoops of dirt to fill holes in the barn pen. It was too nice to go back in so he repaired the drain line from the underdeck tanks while I scooped poop. Seeing it was so nice  and Cooper was here I gave Harley her birthday ball early and they had a blast. We enjoyed a cold beverage outside at plus 15 with no coat on November 12!!

watch these videos of the pack at play

Roo's pink ball is bigger at 12" with new one only 10" like the soccer ball so will see how long it lasts.

Oddly the wind picked up like crazy as we finished our drinks. To give some further exercise to all we walked to the gate and back and of course Stella joined us. Back at the house we put her and J away with soft food for the night. Back in the house I prepped veggies to roast, bottled and brewed kombucha while S marinated the steak then bathed H for our trip to Med Hat tomorrow after I fed her and Coop. He then hit the couch to rest for the upcoming 5 pm flames game and I caught up the blog. I woke him and he was off to the TV room for the game. I continued to catch up computer stuff watching Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.

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