Thursday, November 4, 2021

Back to work finally

I made coffee after feeding H and got onto marketing and some accounting. Shaina was up around 9:30 and took a quick walk and let kitties out. I dewaxed and sanded a wooden bowl Kaylin donated back for a makeover then worked on painting up a test board for the gun metal project and composed a quote including photos of projects I have done metallic to date. 

Once it warmed up a bit H and I went to let all the horses out in the hay field together. H walked on a leash very well while we did this. Watch the 3 videos below of the process.

On our way back to the house she was off leash as was Stella. On our way back we found a pile of chicken feathers near the house in the ditch, that dam fox again!

watch these 2 cute kitty videos

Sharon's high chair was scrubbed up and dried.

A gal stopped after lunch to try on boots I was selling but they did not fit, rats. The horses were quietly grazing along the far east fence line so I never closed the yard gate after she left.

The afternoon started to cloud over and be dreary but still chinook warm at 14. Perfect time to go over all the Etsy ads and remove some attributes recommended via a podcast from last night. Lets see if that helps sales pick up. It was then time to go paint the first coat of black on the high chair after the tray was power sanded followed by the wooden bowl. Part way thru I saw all the horses in the yard eating the green grass around the trees so had to go shoo them out.

After the paint was on Harley and I went out in the now sunshine but high winds plus 16 to loop all the shelters and check for anything Biebs is cutting himself on but found nothing. He was back in the paddock now watching us so got a couple black licorice; def not horse species appropriate but a treat during transition to real horse living.

As I was catching up the blog Shaina came up and asked to join her for a walk. Stella and Harley joined in of course too. We moved Biebs back to the herd which caused some action from Pepper this time. Eventually the 2 boys stood on along the road while the girls were in the paddock for water.

Supper was leftovers for Shaina and I with Britt arriving to do her usual. I put the kitties away and gave them soft food then back in to put the lazy susan tutorial live. Next it was all the sharing and emails. Shaina left for the gym right after Britt went home. I washed up laundry and paint brushes then moved to bed to watch some Youtube. Shaina arrived back home before 10

DIY pet bug repellent spray

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