Saturday, October 16, 2021

Medicine Hat bound

Britt picked up Cooper after 1 then Shaina was home after 2, Sheldon up to pee at 3:30 and so it goes. Each time of course I wake then worry about Luna and the other kitties trying to think of proactive ideas. I woke at 6 out of habit but H was quiet till 7 even though S was up again at 6:30. She went out to do her business and this dark little kitty went scampering out to her. My heart lifted as I watched the kitty rub and circle H trying to get her biz done then back to the step to confirm it was indeed Stella.

H was off to the garage to rest till breakfast which was at usual time after 8 awake at 8 to make coffee. I had a headache start in the middle of the night and is still banging so I took a pill then another an hour later. S moved some stuff out of truck box, we wrapped up the headboard in a quilt and got it loaded up to go. The buyer will pick it up in the Hat. I unboxed my paint package delivered yesterday, bagged up some sourdough bread to take to Dad, H food and such, Mom K's kombucha gear, water for the road and an overnight bag. I lightly sanded and put another coat of stain on the dresser tops.

Mr Jenkins gives a couple paws up to our wrap job and below Harley did not want to be forgotten so waited with the stuff to be loaded :)

H was loaded and we were off at 10:30 heading east on the trans Canada. My headache created nausea too so the ride was not fun. S tried to massage my neck a few times which was kind of him. We arrived in the Hat around 12:30. Sheldon and H stayed at Ma and Pa's to visit and meet the headboard gal. I was off to visit Dad borrowing their fancy car. Dad and I had a great visit chatting rodeo and watching some How to Be A Cowboy episodes I had downloaded. I took my blue tooth speaker and had music playing too which he tapped his toes to off and on. Three hours passed pretty quick which was surprising being contained to a small bedroom with a plastic face shield on (the mask occasionally but always on my ear just in case). The day was lovely weather wise too and such a shame I could not even take him to the gazebo with the strict lockdown rules. I definitely overdressed wearing a sweater leaving home when cool and now 21 plus a warm retirement cottage heating.

I left him at his 4:30 supper time and back to Ma and Pa's. As per usual there was refreshments and assortment of snacks and a delicious roast pork supper to be had. Candace and Reese joined us too. We ate and visited before I ran back to Dad's before 6. He had a bath and shave and all decked out in fresh lounge wear.

Back to the K home I joined in on the visiting with a cold drink before helping Ma make her first batch of kombucha brew. Candace headed home at 9 and I headed to bed still with a dull headache and started season 3 of You. The rest watched hockey till bedtime.

 Ma K's pretty succulent bowl

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