Thursday, October 21, 2021

Etsy sale finally

Harley requested out early just after 3 then to the garage but of course S was up at 3:30 then 6:30 for his pee breaks which I always wake to any noises. I did wake up though at 8 to find an Etsy sale!! Finally after quite a hiatus. It was for the Latin jewelry box.

After our coffee we went and tossed hay for the horses. I took off Beibs blanket too to help grow his hair for winter on the ranch. Harley, Stella and I went for a short walk and ball chase before coming back in. S had a funny universe event after calling a place about a motorhome and when giving his name and number it turns out the salesman was a guy he played hockey with back in his youth. Oh small world! I worked on marketing and getting the jewelry box all packaged up and ready to go.

S checked out the center post on the closest horse shelter that is snapped again from rubbing horses. I suggested removing it totally so he confirmed that it would be fine and did so after lunch. Shaina popped up to get a bowl of cereal then back to work. The rental furnace needed a filter change so S ran to town to change it and drop my parcel at post office. I hemp oiled the dressers again getting ready for pick up Monday.

kitty snuggles and sun seeker Harley

Shaina was off to the gym once S was back. I was still working on the pink project and continued while S jumped in the shower then headed out to access the fence project seeing the weather was so lovely out at 20 degrees

Cabbage rolls were enjoyed for supper thanks for Ma K!! I was doing a quick marketing when B arrived and requested help putting boots on Biebs. After helping her Sheldon and I went to Stouts for a visit at 7. It was a great visit as always with us back home before 11. The cats were still out not put away by either girl so I tucked them in and to bed watching some You. It is also Brendan's cake day, cheers!!

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