Sunday, September 26, 2021

Schmitt's arrive at the ranch

After letting H out at sunrise with a headache I went back to sleep and slept till almost 9:30!! H was happy to see me for her late breakfast. I made an iced coffee and got busy marketing. I did give Dad a call to see how his day was going. This lockdown has made it probably seem even longer in a small cottage.

Kaylin was up with Lexi before 11 to give her eye drops and get an iced coffee. She had a phone call with a friend so I sanded and distressed the headboard and wrote 2 tutorials.

Britt arrived just before 1 with Amanda and 3 kids and Clover arriving not long after. We set out on a long hike around the perimeter. It started overcast but soon the clouds blew away and it was sunny and hot. Back at the house I made ice tea and a jug of ice water with a side of popcorn to enjoy on the deck.

look at these limber two

the dog trainer hard at work

Aislyn is also a horse trainer

Paetz's headed home at 4 so we came in and I made guacamole and started cooking supper while K sugared B. B and Cooper were off once done then K and I ran to town so she could get a snojoe and I an iced cap at 5. Back home not long after K had chili while I was still full from chips and guac. Eventually around 7 I ate while we visited. Chuck and Debby arrived after 7:30, got the dogs settled then we all had a great visit before they headed to bed at 10 and Kaylin home to the city. I watched some Netflix before lights out.


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