Wednesday, September 22, 2021

cherry blossoms in fall

I was up before H and saw the start of a great sunrise but it was clouded over soon. I let her out at 7:30 but could not sleep so got busy on marketing as the new paint colors are out today so the new fall colors vase tutorial could go live. Then it had to be posted on the many usual spots. Next up was to put another clear coat on the serving tray that I am taking to Coreena today. 

Back inside it was computer work with an iced coffee then onto the jewelry box. Shaina was up around 10 having opted out of her early morning meeting to get her cappuccino going and a bite to eat as I was gluing the lining down in it. The serving tray was waxed too.

I was off to town at 11 to the belated birthday party for Coreena and Sharon's. We had a great visit, Edo lunch and even got to see baby Breelyn before we left at 1:30. I dropped new items off at the Vault, returned the poultice pad then grabbed groceries and beer before heading home. I did the weekly mail pickup en route too.

I was back home after 3, unloaded groceries, fed the cats, scooped poop then realized I forgot to put my hock on to make soup. I threw it on to cook but it was going to take to long for supper. Shaina was home from getting her second vaccine and brought cream I forgot to go with my butternut. She was off to work and I was back to the jewelry box hand painting gold and distressing.

We went for a walk with Harley after I threw the squash in to roast to make our favorite butternut squash soup for tonight's supper. There was a parcel at the gate too. 

Back at the house I finished the soup. Britt came in to join us and after 3 helpings she and Coop were off at 8. Computer work and more jewelry box touch ups followed by Netflix in bed with popcorn delivered before 11 from roomie Shaina. Thanks.

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