Monday, September 6, 2021

Canal ride & splash

Harley alerted me to B picking up Cooper after 1:30, I let him out to meet her and they were off. H wanted out before 7 then into garage and I slept till almost 9, yeah!! Longest sleep in in ages and finally a not bad sleep. I popped the coffee on after feeding her which awoke the prince. I worked on catching up the blog that is so far behind then S and I worked on his new business page.

B and Cooper arrived just before noon as I was just getting out of the shower and prepping lunch, looks like we need to amp up the meal. Harleys gifted hotdogs were thrown on the barbeque with the steak. After lunch Shaina got back to her check ins, Sheldon packed up his bag after putting skid steer away, I scooped poop and cleaned out the horse trailer poop while B rode Roo bareback. 

these 2 catching up with Pepper and Britt ahead

below bareback B video

After 2, Shaina took a break to come catch KD and join Britt and I for a trail ride. B rode Pepper and I Switch. We all headed out at 2:30 with S closing the winter pasture gate to keep Roo and Bird in on his way to the airport. We and the dogs headed east to take the far side of the canal as a new trek. The dogs were having so much fun in the canal. Harley cannonballed in face first after charging in getting her first taste of canal fun. When we got to where the old house used to be the fence was closed for the cows so we turned around an retraced our steps back home.

Cooper crossed the canal, you can see just his head in the above photo and him to the far left in side photo and a lovely ranch in the background

this was our dead end and turnaround point

you have to watch this video.. I videoed the 2 dogs in the canal

We were back from our adventure at 3:30; horses untacked, hosed with a couple lucky ones fed. Shaina had her snack then back to work. B sat outside with her eating horses before heading home with Cooper after 4. I came in to grab a cold drink and work on tutorials. I wrote the magnolia growth ruler tutorial and shared/posted to all places then did a Hometalk post for the navy paper towel holder of Kaylin's. The high was 24 when we were riding but it went up to 25 closer to 6.

there was this fire to the west as B pulled out, never heard what it was yet

Pizza was thrown in for supper for Shaina and I after 6. She did some more work and was off to the gym at 8. I was just finishing up my pineapple/pomegranate kombucha bottling and new brew as she left. I started a new Netflix show while working called How To Be A Cowboy recommended by B. I caught up the blog then headed to bed to relax around 9 after a fantastic day. I finished the Blindspot season 5 ending the series, now what to watch? It looks like Manifest season 3 was just loaded ;) Shaina was back home for a snack and to her room after 10.

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