Monday, September 20, 2021

Canada votes

 I woke with a darn headache that started when I was falling asleep, boo. I let H out then in the garage not long before Britt and Cooper arrived. Roo seemed better today and was let out with the herd bucking and rearing. Guess she feels better again. B put Cooper inside then off to work. S made coffee and after a cup I fed H and sent the dogs out to play. Time to get to marketing while S had his online doctor appointment.

We headed to town with the fireball at 11 to vote and grab lunch on a patio. It is another beauty fall day. S grabbed a part on our route home then back at the ranch put in on the fireball after it was on the lift. The cover went on next then it was lifted in place. We hauled the coffee table inside after I waxed the top then moved all the other pieces back under the lift.

It was now 1 so S hit the couch for a nap and I worked on yesterdays picture intense blog post. He was up and packed up ready to head to the airport before 3. I worked on tutorials and posts. As I was grabbing a cold drink I noticed a vehicle at the gate leaving a parcel so the dogs and I along with Stella walked to see what it was. It was an Amazon parcel for roomie Shaina. We looped along the tree line to open the south west paddock for the horses then back to the house.

Inside I saw there was a person with the magnolia tray in my Etsy shop, yikes I forgot to change it and it has sold locally to a good friend. So I had to find a new item to put in its place and chose a rustic chalkboard.

Supper was the tail end of the spinach with some precooked chicken, best make my chili :) Shaina called to see if I had supper but changed her mind hearing what I had. She just went to vote in the last half hour polls were open and hit the gym before heading back to the city. Britt, Dave and Cooper arrived after 7 having just voted as well. She fed the horses then they got to work on Roo with Dave finding the other abscess point. I fed the cats and back in as they were walking Roo out to get Bird from mid hay field and put in winter gate before they headed home.

I finished my computer work, turned off the terrible waste of 600 million voting results and headed to bed to finish season 4 which wraps the up the Good Girls series. I then started the new season of The Worlds Most Amazing Vacation Rentals. You have to check out the first home!!

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