Thursday, September 30, 2021

Kananaskis ATV adventure - loads of pics and videos

S was on dog let out and coffee making again. Schmitts were in for coffee, throw in a load of laundry and finish the card game from last night before we all started to pack up for todays adventure. I remembered to make the horse food today as I packed snacks up. Vance turns 18 today!! so I arranged for a gift certificate from the local Oyen Liquor Mart (owned by Spider and Cam) to be delivered to him, thanks Spide! Have a great day young man XOXO

S and Chuck loaded the ATV's in the dump trailer and soon we were off. Our first stop was to have brunch at Maggie's diner in High River; this is part of the Heartland series that Schmitt's love. Once we arrived in High River and found it the joke was on us as it is a movie prop only never open to the public WTH?? We went next door and had our meal at Evelyn's which is a 1960's memory diner. A gal from Oyen and her fiancé were dining there (small world) and after a short visit we got down to ordering and eating. Deb found some Heartland souvenirs at a local store and we were off on the road again this time heading west looping along the foothills.

We arrived at Mclean Creek; an old ATVing favorite and got the units unloaded and packed for our mountain adventure.

We came upon a boggy area so got off to decide our route. S and I went right and thru a mud puddle

this is what happened when we went thru said puddle video!

And Deb got video from behind us too

We got just little mud on the tires LOL

Chuck tried another way and this happened - watch the video series below

then Sheldon gave it a go

logs were tossed in

but no luck so I drove Larry (our Polaris ranger) over and they hooked it up with some rope and pulled Big Mama out

Time for our only cold beer we packed for the ride

and the face :)

Deb hiked to check out a new route

This was the steep hill down to where S thought we would reach the falls, so off we went only to find it was not close enough so back up we came.

Big Mama and the Schmitt's make the climb

but the final peak is missed after my driver thought I said go while filming LOL

Seeing we could not get close to the falls we loaded up and drove to them before heading home.

falls video

Back at the ranch around 7:30 we all showered to rid ourselves of the dust and mud. The guys unloaded the ATV's before they took theirs. Sausage was barbequed while I made KD and peas with some cold beverages. Of course we had to play some cards to round out or day. Shaina had left for a date in the city, thanks for looking after Harley Dude! She arrived home at 11:30 just after we all shut out the lights and headed to bed.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Banff bound - lots of pics

S kindly let Har out before I made my way out of bed with a very sore back still. Schmitt's came in to join us for coffee and breakfast. Doctor Deb brought in Aleve to mix with the Excedrin for my back. (I forgot some photos from last night so please pop back a day to see them.)

Harley and her American cousins

I gathered snacks while S packed drinks/chairs then we with miss Shaina too set off just after 10. Our first stop was Kaylin's to deliver her t-shirt and have a quick visit and ice tea. 

Then we were off to the mountains stopping at cascade ponds first. It was blustery and chilly, darn it but that did not detour us.

Once we found a parking spot downtown (Shaina actually took it to park in front of Jacob's) we made our way to a brewery only to find I had my vaccination but no ID as did not bring my purse. Rats, luckily Shaina found another place that would take the insurance paperwork I signed the day before that let us in where we enjoyed a great lunch.

Deb picked up some fresh beavertails for a treat later on

Now off to get the car while Deb did a quick shopping stop then off to view Lake Louise. 

Lake Moraine was next climbing to almost the highest viewpoint in the bitter cold which reminds us winter is coming. It was spectacular sight and well worth the climb. 

Back in the car we headed east with a stop in the city for bathroom break and a tea. Back at the ranch at 9 it was snacks (a couple beaver tails too:) and cards for us while Shaina was off to work in her office. We packed it in at 11:30.

Jasper joined in on cards and a rum too :)

Big thanks to Amanda and the littles for going to let Harley out for a pee and play and Britt for feeding her supper. XOXO