Tuesday, August 17, 2021

RAIN- 1 4/10ths

 I awoke in the night to the soft sound of rain!! and it picked up around 6 THANK YOU LORD!! There were even some puddles when I let H out at 7 but she was back in soon. Of course she used her wily charms to rest head on the bed and offer to hold hands in hopes of getting an early breakfast but it didn't work. After she did get her breakfast I went to order her food for delivery tomorrow and they are sold out as is the maker, yikes! I made a hot cappuccino today but with some of Shaina's oat milk seeing it was cool and rainy but have to say I am not a big fan of it. The blog was published for yesterday and I got posts done for today.

morning, shall we hold hands?

Then it was time to run to town for my 10 am massage. After waiting for the gate to close I saw it failed. Backing up and trying the usual tricks did nothing. It seems the many hazy days and rain today (which affected it many times in the past) had not enough power. I dropped my phone while talking to Sheldon having it wedged under chin which cracked the screen. Luckily it was only the screen protector I confirmed later - note to all to be sure you have one on. I tried calling massage gal to let her know my crisis and the receptionist but no answer. I called B to see if on way out but the phone kept going to my car. I finally got the gates fully open but they kept swinging different ways making it a challenge to get my car thru then raced back to the house praying the horses would not head to the open gate as they were out grazing nearby. The rain kept them pretty hunkered down eating thank goodness. I got back to the house after opening yard gate again and after 2nd place found the keys to the padlocks S assembled on the gate arms to prevent entry then found blanket binding to tie the gate shut. Of course all the bungie cords must be in shop but time was wasting. Back at the gate I got thru with out the gate swinging into my car then tied it closed with the horses still eating.

Now to get to my massage but as luck would have it I hit every light red on my way. Yesterday Strathmore mandated masks again as we have 26 active cases and as I ran to the door I remembered I needed mask so back to the car to grab one. While I was doing the gate issue my massage gal had called so new of the delay and was waiting. I undressed and in the bed in short order and got about 45 minutes of my massage.

I filled the car with fuel then ran to grab milk. Mom called as I was heading in again with no mask assuming they would have their table at the door. Nope, no masks so I continued my loop to grab milk and a couple things for mom while chatting to her on the phone. The till lineups were back to covid length of course seeing I was in a hurry but soon I was on my way back home after 12. In the meantime Britt had arrived at the ranch and locked the horses in their paddock and put Cooper in the kennel. She is off to the city to wedding dress shopping and planning for a wedding she is in next summer.

the north gate was the wild swinging one

I put milk in fridge, let Cooper out, grabbed an iced coffee and loaded up Harley and headed to the city. As I hit the highway after getting thru tied gate system both ways then remembered I forgot her leash that I mentally reminded myself a few times LOL. I text the chiro Dr and he said no problems without at his place and seeing it was pouring I knew Shaina and I would not be eating on a patio with her.

We arrived at the 1pm chiro appt early beating the dr. He worked his magic on her and had her adjusted and we were on our way in the pouring rain to Shaina's place. She was in the shower as we arrived 15 min ahead of our 2 pm date but soon was down to let us in. We ordered pad thai then drove to pick it up after taking H for a quick pee using S's yoga mat strap as a leash :) Back at her penthouse apartment (for 2 more weeks) we ate the yummy dinner, thanks dude! then I worked on the water damaged island caused by wet plants but even with bleach (she applied vinegar yesterday to kill mold), steel wool, sander and hand sanding it did not lighten much. I rubbed in hemp oil and will see after a few days if there was any improvement.

before after to follow hopefully

Shaina's bed is very comfy and she even had a special quilt for H to relax on

We said our goodbye after 4, loaded up in the once again pouring rain and made our way home. I did drive thru to get a chai tea for the ride home. We were back at the ranch after 5 which was now dry. The rain continued all the way home till crossing hwy 24 but at least we had 1 4/10ths rain when I checked gauge after letting dogs out. I will take it!!

unique gate closure: big black bow ;)

Once the dogs were fed I came in to catch up today's crazy day blog. Britt is going to stay overnight with the wedding party so Coop gets a sleep over again. Supper was skipped after our late lunch but I did remember Pepper needed his pill so out I went in my housecoat. All the horses were hoping for food after being sequestered to the slim pickins pens. While I was out a scooped poop seeing the air was so refreshing and clean smelling and lovely out. 

rain filled the puppy pool that was bone dry

I rearranged freezer space and saw what I had for H; enough food for 4 more days. And as luck would have it for my cracked phone screen protector I had a spare that came with the original which I thought probably never use. I removed cracked, cleaned and applied new one, yay!

And the day continues crazy. As I was sorting a new plan for Harley's food Cooper was growling out the window. It was towards Jenkins sitting under a tree. He continued so eventually I let them both out. Coop did run towards J but then past him. Then they both got to barking. I heard Coopers bark turn angry and H from behind the house so I grabbed the flashlight as dusk was getting dark quickly as almost 9. My flashlight caught multiple eye shines right behind the lilacs where Cooper was very upset. I yelled causing them to move away not really fast but at least away. Harley was now up on the deck and as I ran to grab soft cat food seeing one of the kittens was watching this fiasco J was with her on the steps. I led the cats to the barn leaving the coyote hunter and his back up body guard and locked them in including putting wood in the far escape hole. Now to get the dogs in to bed while I finished my dog food order and blog. After 10 I hit the shower then back to computer crawling into bed to catch some Netflix by 11.

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