Friday, August 27, 2021

Let's get stripping

After my new usual rise and shine at 7:30 to let H out, peruse IG/games then feed H, I worked on my Etsy ad for the Latin floral jewelry box. It had new felt feet added, sticker and video done too. I then wrote a tutorial for the recent farmhouse dining table, published it, posted on the appropriate sites and sent to all the sponsors.

It was now after 10:30 so I ventured out yes in my housecoat to check on cats (Luna and J had found their way out overnight) scoop poop and pick 2 zucchinis. Back inside I made a smoothie for my brunch. The paint parcel was unboxed then taken out to put away. The door was painted the first coat of paint to make it a tray.

The end table tops had stripper applied and left to soak with plastic on it.

The milk paint parcel was opened next; what to paint? Time to get some data recorded on my spread sheets followed by a chat with Mom to update on Dad's last couple days. Things seem to work better when Mom is there to mediate and facilitate. All the indoor plants were watered.

Back to the garage after an hour of soaking the table finish has not softened so onto the tray. I blended in 3 new colors. When dry it was sanded smooth, the transfer applied and a clear coat put on.

The sun now was out and the wind less so H, Luna and I went for a walk. We have been slipping on that with the smoke and being busy. It felt good to get out in the sun. I stopped in the barn to fill cat food and see where Stella and J were. The tray was given another coat of clear front and back and left to dry.

Time to cook some supper; tonight is hamburger zucchini in mushroom soup. While it cooked I bottled up pineapple kombucha and brewed a new batch. 

I attempted to remove the finish but it was not ready so added more. Britt and Cooper were out at 6:30 as I was finishing adding more. She fed 2 horses and I gave them the rest of the damaged apples then we sprayed them and on our way to town. I dropped her at her car that was fixed today and headed to Tims to get my first pumpkin spice tea of the year.  When I looked behind me in the line B was behind me :) 

I got tea and timbits- I had to buy Harley's at this tims. On the way home I picked up the mail then back to the house to enjoy my tea and catch up today's blog with Blindspot by my side. I went out at 9, which was 7 hours after applying the stripper, but it was still not ready. I applied a fresh coat, covered in plastic again and left over night. I washed up brushes, tossed out about 10 jars of milk paint seeing I am stocked up then back in to finish up blog. Off to bed to watch Blindspot. Even a wee bit of rain came down for a short time while watching.

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