Monday, August 30, 2021

Beautiful evening ride

It was 15 degrees inside this am again when I was awake before 7 and not because of Harley but rather the darn magpies. As usual there are about 12 outside cackling and carrying on but one was in the eves trough above my open window making all kinds of noise. The day is overcast and blustery so coffee was in order after playing an hour of cookie jam and feeding H. Marketing was up next before I headed to the garage to put a second clear stain on the table tops.

how to unbow drawer bottoms

Sanding the desk top in the sun was much warmer then I thought it would be. Once I had gotten thru 80 and 100 grits I added more filler and left to dry. In for lunch I pulled out the sourdough starter to feed to make dough tonight.

Back to the desk to sand it all and the coffee table, haul back inside once done. The table bases were painted the first coat of white. I finished up at 5 to come in and make a pot of chili and catch the news. 

Once the chili was cooking I ran the mirror hutch to the gate for pickup on the quad. Once again H loped alongside. 15 MPH to be exact (see videos below)

I staged the latest project in 4 ways and posted a poll, which is your choice?

I also unboxed my latest paint parcel delivered today, WoW, loads of new brushes, thanks Dixie Belle!

Both girls arrived before 6:30. Shaina brought Jacob's truck with her bike and other items to return home. She has her downtown penthouse till September 5th. We enjoyed our chili supper then went out to catch horses and go for the most lovely golden hour evening ride. 

look at our animals and just how trusting the shorter ones are

 check out Shaina's videos

another Shaina video

Back from our ride I watched the horses eat their food while Switch grazed, Shaina roached KD's mane and hosed her off and B caught Roo, tacked her up and rode her in the round pen. Inside we visited before B was off at 9 and Shaina at 9:30 to get her snojoe on her way home. I whipped up my sourdough bread only to realize I am going to the Hat tomorrow so put it in the fridge for a day all ready to set proof tomorrow night. Sheldon was home early at 10:30 to have his chili bowl and hit the sheets.

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