Saturday, August 14, 2021

34 and SMOKY

My days are pretty routine and repetitive but occasionally the weather changes :) Today H was out before 7 but I could not get back to sleep so played some games before heading out to let horses out and then feed her early. The day is overcast but warm and by 10 I had to close the windows as the smoke smell was drifting in. And it was already 30 after 10! My iced coffee was enjoyed actually 2 over marketing.

Now to get another project on the go; I had put some dressers mirrors for free when I had an idea to paint them as child's standing mirrors. I hauled out one, cleaned it up, filled the holes from where I removed the one molding then sanded all over.

I also found the source of plant dirt all over, apparently this tropical plant makes a nice cool bed.

I offered many of my boxes and packing paper to the young Lance D family who is moving so spent some time sorting and stacking ones to keep and ones to give them. I also drove a bag of ice packs to hang at the gate to give away and locked the horses in. Whew this helps purge more goodies.

I came in to have a cold kombucha but this ended in chaos after the fermented lemonade blew up like a rocket!! There was liquid everywhere!! So good it was clear though is my positive take. I spent the next while washing everything down and washing the floor. Check out the video of the mess.

Lance arrived soon after I was finished cleaning and we spent the next 2 plus hours catching up in the now 34 degree heat. Harley was excited to get so many scratches too. He had so many great stories of his little guy who sounds like quite the character. Britt and Cooper arrived at 3:30 and got in on the end of our visit. We got his boxes loaded and he was off.

B brought iced coffees, how refreshing on a HOT day! Thanks B! She relaxed in the A/C and I went out to my 32 degree garage. I tested a new chameleon wax but not a fan so wiped off and repainted a second coat on the frame.  

I finished just in time to get in for Steph's 4:30 wedding zoom meeting. Whew I was not late as they had a delay and it did not actually start till almost an hour later. I prepped supper while waiting. Once it started it was so lovely to watch almost like you were there. Technology is AMAZING!!

While B watched she massaged H, look at the hair she rubbed out!!

When it ended I cooked up our yummy supper of salmon, coleslaw and sautéed zucchini. B then mixed the horse food I soaked earlier and headed out to feed. I caught Switch and hosed her then into the barn to trim her chipped feet. B did the same with Bird. It was HOT  in the barn with humid horses but we got it done. B then headed for home after 7:30 as I put Switch in paddock.

Seeing I was hot and sweaty I continued my work on the mirror adding lovely silk screened silver accents. I am loving these new silk screen stencils!  Of course I consulted Amanda for her opinions and she was a fan. I also got a message from a gal interested in the dining table that she will take it! Once finished I covered the mirror from dam flies that are bombarding the garage then fed the cats. After closing up the garage I hit the shower then wrote todays blog with Blindspot by my side and a cold beverage. The dining table was paid via EMT and plans are for pickup in the morning at 10.

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