Monday, July 26, 2021

Tidy day

Nice and cool 15 out when H got her breakfast and I gave Pepper his meds. S started tree watering early too seeing it was so lovely out. I got some marketing and accounting done but spent the rest of the morning moving furniture down stairs along with other things tidied and put away. I am trying a new cleaning company tomorrow which means things go to their proper places. I also got laundry on the go inside and in the garage.

before hauling down I took more photos

We cleaned up some leftovers for lunch with the news. Goodfood box was delivered, looks like I will eat pretty good this week. The day heated up like usual and hit 24 when S headed off to the airport at 2:30. This is a super short week with him returning Thursday; Big rodeo weekend ahead ;)

I went out and painted the coffee table base another coat of white and clear coated the top. Inside I finished the blue frame tutorial and got it posted and shared.

these ads were on a August 3, 1963 newspaper in one of the old dresser, cheap foot ball seats :)

A stop for leftover roast supper and some news. The dining table was steel wool buffed then a few more pics taken.

Britt and Cooper were out at the usual time. She fed Bird as I mixed Pep's pills. After adjusting Roo's blanket and hanging the one I washed out to dry she and Coop were off for home and supper. I continued outside enjoying some fresh peas while hand watering my garden. Inside it was computer catchup, more things put away, a nice shower, bed linens changed followed up with some Netflix and relaxing.

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