Thursday, June 3, 2021

Shaina's birthday

her fancy new hairdo she got yesterday

Today is Shaina Lee's 27th birthday! Happy cake day lovey! XOXO H waited till 6:30 today to go out then to the garage and what a beauty day ahead it looks to be. After I fed her at 8:30 I started water on the forest and willow as it was already climbing to high 20's. Shaina made her cap and did an hours work while I dealt with an Etsy customer and marketing. I made her birthday crepes after 10. We decided to head to the river for a walk seeing it was hot and only getting hotter.

Stopping on the north side we got out to find the river super high with no trail left (usually we can walk along the rock by the far right clump of trees out in the middle of water there) so into the truck once again and across the river to the campground. It was a beauty 31 day but pretty hot for black dog, luckily there was a breeze. 

one area H could go down for a little splash

busy little black bee

We did about an hour walk then back to the A/C truck and off to town to grab a DQ bday lunch with a blizzard bonus. H even got a pup cup.

We ate back at the ranch before 1:30 while H sacked out on the cool floor still panting. Shaina packed up her camping goodies, helped me move some heavy pieces in the garage and was off to the city to celebrate more of her big day by 2:30. I got started on the dark waxing of the table set. I debated as leaving the warm white had a nice crisp look but too stark and not really rustic.

I got the coffee table dark waxed and another clear coat on all the tops and now that it was 33 I needed to come in to cool down and drink a kombucha. Craig and Ada pulled in around 4:30 to confirm parts for the trailer. H and I went out to chat for a bit then headed back to my wax project and feed H. As I was working on the end table sweltering I thought why would I not haul inside and do in the A/C so that was my next step hauling them both in. H liked this idea too. However once inside I started working on tutorials.

Just before 7:30 Britt, Cooper and Dave arrived. B hosed the horses then fed the 2, I went out to visit for a bit then watered my garden. The potatoes are really poking thru now and peas just starting along with squashes. They were off after 8. I was back in to work on accounting and computer catch up. I started a new series call The Underground Railroad while typing then took it to the dining table as I finished waxing the one end table. It is so sad to reflect history. I was so intent I never noticed nor did H that Amanda had arrived to clean more before 10. While opening a kefir I had to volcano all over the counter requiring a clean up lol Note to self don't leave them over a week as they are even more explosive. AJ left after 11 as I had moved to bed to continue watching my iPad for a bit longer.

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