Monday, June 14, 2021

It hits 32+ today

It is Monday again and almost halfway thru June. The time is whizzing by our eyes. Another usual start to our day with dogs breakfast, coffee/cappuccino and tree watering. It is going to be a doozy today so tried to get plants watered early. S did most of his tree watering and hose hauling in his gonch getting his vitamin D dose for the month :) I worked on sourcing a new mirror for the custom vanity. It is not going to be cheap as they say each inch of beveling and polishing adds $$ as does every hole drilled and of course this is 5 mm thick glass and todays is usually 3 mm. Another lesson in the books for Creative Moments; always add a caveat when dealing with glass/mirror as the glass guy said there most likely was a stress crack near the hole.

Shaina was up and cooked her usual eggs and bacon breakfast with a side of the fruit I had prepped. I swapped fruit for a couple crispy pieces of bacon, yum! Two days in a row for the bacon. She then worked on computer stuff before heading down to her office after treating KD's eye at 11. The custom dining table was the next dilemma. I messaged the gal saying I was not sure I was the lady for the job as this is a crazy big custom table that they want all stripped and stained now vs painted base and so heavy I cant move around. She messaged back she was sure hoping I change my mind ;/

S was off by 2 after trying to help me figure out how I could move the mammoth table around with no plan. I will chat with her tonight and discuss options and S thinks we could make a sturdy rolling table once he is back. Sanding in the garage is a real pain. Had I known this was my future job we would have installed a great vent to suck out dust etc. S took along the bit parcel I packaged up last night to town to drop at post office along with a body brush/dead sea salt/eye serum parcel a friend purchased from Kaylin's shop to drop in a friends truck, thanks bud!

I continued computer work before heading out in the hubs of hell at 32 degrees to hand water my front flower bed and put waterer on back baby peonies. H laid in the sun dying so I gave her a frozen turkey head/frame. I did computer work catching up on posting items and working on tutorials.

Shaina was off to the gym at 5 after treating KD's eye. I was lamenting over the vanity yet again and noticed wee areas under the lip that you would only see from an odd angle but I grabbed a tiny brush and did the touchups. The sky got dark and threatening but it all circled around us heading east.

B and Coop out after 6. I headed out as she was hosing horses after feeding 2. I moved them to her and she gave them a cooling off. Of course most rolled in the dirt right after. Cooper even hit the puppy pool requiring a towel off before she loaded him up to leave after 7. Shaina was back home not long after she left with Edo for supper as I was hand watering the garden. She ate then we took H for a loop in the heat. There was no bugs :) but back in the A/C as I did computer work H panted for over an hour.

Shaina was off back to town around 8 to meet a friend for a drink and visit. I watched the series finale for Younger as I worked on my tutorials. It ended good :) Shaina was back at 10 and it is still light out, and a bit cooler at 27 degrees :) She treated KD's eye and off to her room. I finished up a DIY vases tutorial and took my iPad to bed to watch some Manifest after 10:30 calling it a day.

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