Saturday, June 5, 2021

3/10ths rain day

The morning was dreary when I let H out at 6:30 and same when fed at her usual time. I took the kitties some offal; they have been self maintaining there in and out well.

I got busy on the vanity starting with hand sanding more marks and dings and wiping again before starting the paint process. Britt dropped Cooper off before 11 then was off to the city for a massage. I checked the P trailer to see if carpets dry and all was a go. I also noticed a corner that when carpet lifted was rotted out, they had found it too and will look at fixing. They then came out to do more stuff in the trailer. It was a windy blustery day with occasional bouts of sun. It says it hit 19 but from here it went down.

I finished the stool and the drawers fronts stopping to grab some leftover cold chicken and a kombucha then back out to keep painting the body and sending photos of paint colors for inside to the customer.

The first crack of thunder came at 2 with a tornado alert not long after. It started to rain around 2:15 as Paetz's headed home. I finally got Cooper in then finished up the charcoal on the vanity body. Time for a fermented lemonade after 3 while catching up the blog. The rain quit after 3 and the sun came out, a quick rain gauge check showed 2/10ths in the hour. I'll take it. 

These photos are 30 seconds apart on either side of the house. Craig and his Dad were back out around 4 to work on the rotted trailer floor. I tucked a bag of milk paint for Tami to paint a wooden spool at the school in Gordon and Rita's truck to hitch a ride back to Oyen, thanks guys!

The bit of rain made for muddy dog feet so H was sent to the garage after laying under my feet at the island and leaving a sand ring after drying in kennel. Cooper of course would not come in. I pulled out the vacuum and mop and got the main area cleaned up just in time to feed H as B pulled in picking up Opa for supper, thanks B. She did however forget the jug of milk I requested lol.

I hauled the tables to the wall to try and get a pic all together then back to there spots, will post for sale tomorrow.

After we ate it was time to ride challenged by B even though the weather looked ominous and there was thunder. We headed out even with a little extra energy in the horses and made a loop. Cooper however took off into the winery and was barking which B felt he was hurt so back home she jumped on quad and I juggled getting 2 horses in the barn door with the wind. She was back in short order with the naughty dog who was just chasing a bird or something. She rode for a few minutes more in the arena as I groomed and let Switch out.

watch these crazy ponies play

She then fed Bird and Pepper before releasing them into a wild herd frenzy running and bucking with the storm getting closer. She packed up Cooper as I cleaned H's ears and was off for home after 7. We timed that perfect as the rain unleashed again at 7:30. It lasted about half hour and when I checked for the prince there was another 1/10. I worked on tutorials while watching more Underground Railroad and eating some cherry garcia ice cream. B sent me on a wild goose chase to see if her leather halter was left on the quad. While I was out I put J in the barn and gave some more food. I finished my Boho corkboard tutorial around 10:30, fed the ginger bug then took my iPad and crawled into bed to continue the episode. The wind had picked up and the rain was coming down again. The winds picked up even stronger around midnight.

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