Saturday, May 8, 2021

We got RAIN.. and some snow :)

There was a huge windstorm that woke me at 1:30 as deck furniture blew to the west. No rain then but it sure was when I woke at 7:30 and the furnace was running. I thought I heard H bark once but not sure but when I scooted out she was sitting at the garage door so maybe? I let her out but it took her just a quick minute to do her business and be back. She and the kitties were fed early and I was making a cappuccino well before 8. The rain turned to sleety snow but mostly melting on contact as plus 2.

I did some computer work while sipping on a couple of caps then dressed and headed to the garage. I had a gal interested in my surplus of vintage pulls I have removed off pieces. I needed to sort out which ones for sure were for sale. This led to organizing all my pulls and knobs which was needed. It is always good to refresh what I have on hand which is allot.

While out there I also sorted thru little plastic containers I think I will use for paint but never seem to, time to move them on too keeping only a few. 

While I was cleaning Harley had a moment of raised hair and barking, I checked out the window but saw nothing. It was not until later did I find my Amazon parcel at the front door. Guess she was right. My fermenting beverages just took a bigger leap with 2 one gallon jugs ;)

The toy box was now dry after the deep scrub and ready to go until I saw the front corners were chewed away so wood filler was next. Britt and Cooper arrived as I was finishing up before noon.

 She went and caught KD, Pepper and Bird and took them in the barn. I met her there and trimmed the gingers while Bird warmed up in her warm blanket and ate hay in the stall. B round all the toes, we have a pretty smooth going system. I then swapped out a bit of Switch's bridle and sorted thru the huge stash I have picking some to sell. 

This is only some of the non used ones lol

B took them back out , Bird now with her rain sheet to keep warm while the rain continues this weekend. I swept, shut off lights and back to the garage. On my way I checked the rain gauge and it looks like approx. 2/10ths so far.  Prior to heading out B measured KD feet for boots them Roo's before she and Coop headed home at 2. 

After putzing in the garage a bit I came inside, added another coat of clear poly to the dresser top then did a batch of water kefir and bottled 2 pomegranate flavors. I enjoyed a kombucha but then was cold so made a golden milk and watched some YouTube videos while sipping it.

Back in the garage I painted the toy box top but the rough edges I was not a fan of so I wood filled them all. Now they must dry well. Mid way thru I stopped to feed Harley and the kittens who have been eating non stop.

see how rough the edges are? The lower edge was filled when I did the front corners and once sanded looked so much better so all the edges were filled

Supper was a can of noodle soup while watching the news followed by some computer work. Just after 8 I ventured back to the garage to sand the now dry wood filler and finish painting the box. I sent H out in the now sleety snow rain to go to the bathroom then tucked all in for the night and hung up my apron at 9:30. Time for a cold pineapple kefir. As I was catching up the blog I noticed I had an Etsy sale; one of the farmhouse vases! I will get that boxed up tomorrow, time to go warm up in bed and watch videos.

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