Friday, May 28, 2021

Sanding and mowing

My internal alarm clock had me awake at 5:30 and the golden sunrise and no wind was lovely. I thought about going to take a photo of the crab tree in this light but seeing H was not up I stayed quiet. She did however wake at 6:30. The sun was now in the clouds and the wind starting to pick up. I put her in the garage but could not fall back asleep, rats. The wind continued to pick up, grrr.

wanted to get the crab tree in bloom but just a gloomy start to the day

Time for a cappuccino and fed the dog and worked on some computer catchup. I was just back in from letting the kitties out and doing a poop loop around 9:30 when Shaina was up making her cap and off to her office. This am I worked on the fold down table, it was scuff sanded all over, wiped clean, taken apart, the underside of the table sanded smooth and wiped again and the base painted a coat of primer.

Sheldon pulled in at 12:30 just after I finished a tuna sandwich. He unloaded treats from Mama K and had his own lunch. He then hit the couch for a nap while I went back to my projects in the garage. The second coat went on the table base. Up next was the pine coffee and end table set. I hauled them outside to start sanding down.

tried again mid day

S was up from his rest at 2 and attempted to start the push mower to do around the forest trees but it was a no go, needs a repair from a real fixit shop. He opted then for the weed eater  before hoping on the lawn mower. At 3:30 a rain squall sent us both inside; me hauling in the coffee table quick.  A glass of water kefir and a taste test of the tepache; both not fans. Back to the garage for me as I cleaned the bases of all the tables after hauling the coffee table back out to finish. The day was all over weather wise but did reach 18 for a high.

I then started the staining process. It took darker then I hoped but it is what it is. The little table not so much.

Shaina started supper; sausage I had out, boxed noodles and some roast broccoli. We ate late finishing around 7. Britt and her 2 dogs were out in the merc after 7 to feed horses while Sheldon and Shaina ran to town. Shaina to the gym and S to meet the repairman to get B's car. I put the kitties away with soft food as yet another brief rain blast hit. Once back with B's car she loaded up her dogs and off for home. S was off to watch hockey and I to catch up the blog on the computer with my iPad at my side watching Startup. 

this is after 9 as I worked on the computer
and only about 15 minutes later I saw THIS!!!

I did move to bed but switched to the new season of Younger seeing Amazon gave me another free month of prime. Once in bed I gave S a sleeping pill to get a good nights sleep.

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