Saturday, May 22, 2021

Planted planters then frost warning!

I woke a few times in the night but it seems the robins are staying away from the bedroom after an initial shoo and head to the office window which I can handle better. I shooed him at 7:30 then perused Instagram. Harley's breakfast was a deer search and find followed by some kefir, greens and raw patty then a search for a turkey head. I think these are her favorite breakfasts. The water did come on at 6 am as frosty water drops on the ground, I switched it to the flowers for a soak.

This is just how worried our horses are with Harley milling around them while napping, NOT!

This am is fermented foods refresh starting with turning the garlic honey, feeding my ginger bug and straining the milk kefir. The milk was refreshed and the kefir put in ice cube trays with some fresh in H's dish for supper. I need to bottle and make kombucha but I don't have enough bottles so out to my green beer bottle box. I selected 8 and put in hot water and bleach to soak for an hour followed by an antibacterial dishwasher run.

Water kefir was next making fresh strawberry, ginger and lemon and a new batch to ferment.

Finally I got around to making my fermented lemonade with my whey Every time a squeeze a lemon I HATE tossing the pretty rind and decided no longer. So before I squeezed the juice for my lemonade I peeled with a potato peeler; this takes the rind and no pith, and put in a jar with sugar to use in all my bottled beverages. This gal has some other great ideas to use the lemon rinds for, guess I am not the only one that hates wasting them.

After finishing the borscht I headed outside. It was mostly overcast but some sun and a breeze but did hit It started with watering and pulling 2 more tubs of dandelions for the horses then morphed into  more trimming of dead branches now that most are leafed out. Then I planted my planters! I had to haul out another for the extra geranium seeing I had my over wintered one in a pot. They look lovely. 

This kooky kitty was excited to climb the trees as I was trimming. All the cats follow me as I work making sure they don't miss anything.

I was just dragging a hose to water them when Britt and Cooper arrived after 3 to head to Lonestar to get some herbs for Pepper in hopes of helping his insulin issues. Unfortunately they did not have it in stock nor one B wanted for Roo. We got salt and minerals and headed home. Harley proceeded to gas us out on the way home many times LOL

I cut myself some pretty tulips to enjoy inside

Back at the ranch B trimmed her horses feet while I watered the planters and front flower bed by hand. I had let Switch out to graze them B put her and Bird in the alfalfa paddock to the east for an hour. She worked Roo on a lunge line while I finished trimming more trees and shrubs then came in to make a kale salad. We ate it and the last of the potato salad and B had cucumbers and watermelon as a side. She went to feed the horses and put the 2 mares back while I got busy on my last fermentation project of the day; kombucha. The dam dishwasher ends up blowing more crap into the bottles but at least they are sterilized. I had to bottle brush them all and rinse before doing my process. I also started a scoby hotel. This means I have extra if anyone wants to try this process. Today I bottled 5pomegranate/lemon/ginger and 6 grapefruit/lemon/ginger and got them in the bomb cooler.

B and Coop headed home at 7 as I was getting going. More ginger was grated for the next few days seeing I had stuff out. Then it was put away and clean up, the not so fun part ;) The news and weather network say frost advisory, gosh darnit!! So I went and hauled my planters into the garage. Thank goodness for the furniture dolly as these buggers are heavy. The kitties were rounded up and put to bed with soft food and kibble.

A bowl of fruit and yogurt and it was blog catchup time moving to my comfortable bed at 9:30 to catch some shows but got sidetracked watering plants. Once in bed I caught up 3 Call The Midwife episodes I had on the PVR. I was just starting a new series called Startup when Shaina got home just before midnight.

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