Monday, May 24, 2021

Over and inch of rain

Again the robins did not hit the bedroom windows but I woke early anticipating and back to sleep till after 8. I headed right out to feed H and let her out after a very long night spent inside. It looks like today will be indoor day too as it is threatening then drizzly. Cap was next while making milk kefir and feeding ginger bug then onto computer work while H snored in her kennel.

The darn robins showed up again at the computer window but once see me fly off. Shaina was up to make her cap then off for check in day. I published the grey dresser tutorial and shared on multiple sites and emailed the sponsors. I put it on sale this w/e too with out any bites on any items ;(

Britt and Cooper arrived at noon to join us for a bowl of hot turkey soup. She also barred the elements and went and opened gates to all paddocks when there was a break in the rain timing it perfect as another bout of rain hit. She did go back out and feed the horses before heading home before 1:30. Shaina ate then back to her check ins.

I went to the garage to start a project. I chose Kaylin's cork board. It was wiped clean, primed, then holes filled then primed again. I hauled out a couple transfers to decide what to use and really not loving any. In the end I think boho might be the choice. 

Part way thru Harley and I went out in the drizzle to plant peas I had been soaking as well as more spinach and kale that must have blown out. I checked the rain gauge but it seems the duct tape is not stopping a leak as still at 1/2". Shaina had left to go to the gym around 2:30.

I came in before 4 to update my spreadsheet and blog with a cold drink. Shaina was home before 4:30 made some guacamole. I cooked us chicken breasts too. She was then off to finish her check-ins and I computer work.

sadly 1 little succulent has died in my birthday planter

I took Harley to feed and water kitties as they had to stay in all day. The rain continued off and on, sure wish we had a reliable gauge. Best go buy one ;) Water kefir was made ; blueberry lemon ginger. It was then time for Netflix. I was watching when S rolled in before 11 hurriedly to watch the overtime hockey game. He ate while doing so only to see the last Canadian team lose in triple overtime ;(.

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