Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Horses get acupuncture

Shaina was my wake up call today when she shut the door at 6 to make her cappuccino. I did drift back until Sheldon got up to pee and let H and cats out around 7:30. Britt arrived just before 8 to drop Cooper off for play date. I made a cappuccino too to drink after feeding H and the ferments. Today I need to bottle the jasmine tea kombucha so did it up as grapefruit X 4 bottles. I am all out of bottles for the big batch is ready tomorrow so off to the garage to start cleaning and soaking a dozen more green beer bottles. The cooler full of second fermented kombucha was put in the garage fridge.

The egg lady dropped off our eggs as I was boiling up the last I had on hand for lunch. I have ran out of room for my compost so headed out to bury it in the front beds along with all the kombucha scobies. Let see how the worms like them. Sheldon and I unloaded the furniture and he parked the truck/trailer out of the way to try and grade the road. I moved the red berried elder to its new spot after working up a new hole then it was back to pulling grass and working around the fruit trees. The road was too wet so S swapped to the bucket to load the wagons of poop and tree trimmings.

Look at the roots on this little guy

Lunch break for yummy egg sandwiches and hear the reopening plan. Shaina joined us too then back to work. The bottles that were soaked were now ran thru the dishwasher and half a dozen more put in to soak. Best to be prepared :) S hit the coach for a nap as did the pups while I caught up the blog. Water kefir was bottled ad the crystals put to rest for a few days. The day was overcast but the wind decided to pick up, yuck!

Project time; I had an idea in the shower last night so pulled it all together. I am going with gray and pink with the boho transfer and a harlequin stencil. Then it was on to the next step, paint it all gray and sand once dry. S took his "new to him" blower out to try blowing the barn side out. Says worked great!

Sheldon took out the watermelon rinds and caught Pepper around 3:30. The rest of course followed him back as well as the kitties and dogs, just like the pied piper. He then changed and filled the truck with diesel while I caught and loaded the ponies 1 by one. Roo however was worked up by KD who was remaining home alone so a bit of a challenge to catch but eventually I got her caught and loaded. 

We were on the road by 4 and early as preferred to our 5 pm appointment at Moore's. Roo was first up getting her teeth done and acupuncture followed by Switch who was adjusted and had acupuncture.

the room full of ponies video

Switch's needle video view

Bird who seems to be coming out of her shell like Cooper was next. She was very demonstrative in her pain but eventually was feeling better with her adjustment and acupuncture which hers gets the tens machine attached.

and Bird's needle view

Last but not least was Pepper. He too had chiro and then acupuncture and the tens machine. Dr Jordan does feel he is leaning towards Cushing's but was ok with our plan to start with herbs. She worked all his areas including a swollen throat latch. Wanting to scope it they tired to use a twitch seeing he hates things done in his nose and mouth but this turned into quite a drama display on his part. B even got after him a few times but no luck so will check next time he is in and sedated. 

Three hours later we loaded them up and were on our way. It was 8 pm and feeling peckish we hit Tims/McDonalds on route home. I grabbed the food and S the beverages meeting back at the truck and eating as we made our way home in the hurricane winds.

Britt was at the ranch waiting with the food tubs ready. Harley came out to greet and let me know how hungry she was. After putting Switch's boots on seeing she was really sore after standing all that time I fed H and B and Coop headed home. 

Shaina was making popcorn of course and tonight adding nutritional yeast that apparently makes it taste cheesy. We decided not so cheesy LOL I jumped in the shower then crawled into bed to watch some Startup. S showered and perused the net while Shaina was off to her apartment :0)

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