Sunday, May 30, 2021

Beautiful Sunday for a dog walk at the river

I woke at 3:30, 4 and then 5 with still a headache. I let H out and saw the sunrise, took one of my last few Excedrin's, put H in the garage and back to bed sleeping till 9! A late Sunday breakfast for H and no caps or coffee for me today. It was already 15 and going to be a hot one. I let out the kitties, Stella actually found the cat door and was at the house but the other 2 were still inside waiting for the door to open ;)

First project was to repot my ponytail plant that was waterlogged and root rotting. It has 3 plants in one pot so I divided into 3 pots with new soil. S started his tree watering again that lasted most of the day.

It was a lovely sunny day out, I text B to see if she wanted to join us for a walk at the river before it gets hot, she said perhaps when she gets up. She arrived just after 12 picking up hot dog buns for S who got hot dogs on the barbeque for lunch. After we ate up we loaded up and headed to the river. This time we took a new trail over on the north side of the river which was sparsely populated. The campground side was packed on this beauty 23 day. The dogs loved it as most of the time they were off leash.

watch these funny videos

this one is super funny B took

We headed back to the ranch at 2 ish for a cold drink on the deck. B headed back to town for awhile leaving Coop. Harley got her well needed bath from S and I. Back on the deck I noticed the lilies in the garden box that would work in the whiskey planters so dug them up and replanted there and along the front bed. They had to then be watered in well. New wheelbarrow tires arrived from Amazon just in time for S to changed them out, yeah! I went and painted the table base then both end table bases.

photo by B

B was now back and off to ride Roo, I headed back into the sunshine to pick weeds out of the back flower bed. S took the ranger out and loaded the poop piles B had made yesterday and ran them to the pit. Hockey had him in and out checking the score. For supper we cooked fish Papa caught on the barbeque and rice on the side burner, perfect not to heat up the house.

After supper I headed out again unable to stop digging weeds lol as B fed the horses. I put the kitties in the barn with offal and food then B and I went for a bareback ride; she led Bird. It was such a nice evening minus a few mozzies. The wind was gone allowing them to find us now and then. S stayed to watch Thor and move his watering. Everything is so green and pretty and the golden hour made it even prettier.

B and Coop headed home around 8. S and I ran to the neighbors to pick up the dresser that went with the mirror we got last time. It was a quick trip over, back and unloaded. I jumped in the tub to remove the days dirt and sooth achy muscles. Time to catch up todays blog with a fermented lemonade while S soaked in the tub. It was a lovely day indeed. In bed watching my iPad that darn bird banged once on the picture window, get lost!

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