Saturday, April 17, 2021

Today hits 23

Looks like another beauty day ahead after seeing this pretty sunrise at 6:30. H wanted to sit in kennel once back in so I left her but she did come to ask for breakfast at 7 which resulted in her waiting in garage till almost 9 today. S made his coffee at 8:30 serving a cup in bed to start this Saturday.

Time to get some laundry going and computer work caught up while S started watering evergreens. S & S made eggs for breakfast. B and Cooper were out around 10 for their usual potty business and play. She hung out perusing the net before jetting off to the city around 10:45. She did help Shaina unload stool in trailer before they both headed west. Shaina has an appointment too in the city and staying the night.

photo by B

Mom sent these 2 curved glass frames in the deep freeze, future projects; Thanks!

Shaina picked these chairs up in the city for me the other day, Thanks!

S vacuumed the merc out while I tidied the garage. Great day to catch up on little chores. Then S was in to relax with some axe throwing TV viewing and a bite to eat. Water moved then a bit more TV watching. I caught up the blog then we headed out. We moved garden decor out then replaced the snapped rail in the winter pasture. May have to electrify all the rails seeing the price of wood has skyrocketed :)

H loped along on the way to fix the rail then rode in the ranger on the way back

We were having a glass of water on the deck when Britt arrived at 3. We loaded the dogs and headed to the river for a walk. This time we went on the less traveled north east side. It was an adventure of people here meeting a crusty border collie, a fisherman with a huge net on his back and a beard that sent H running down the trail and a few other dogs and fisherman. But it was all in all a good walk.

H loves jumping up on things and balance work, that is her jam ;)

this is about as far as H goes out in the water

Back at the ranch I made a turkey casserole. S helped by chopping the turkey smaller while I grated cheese, made macaroni and fixed all the rest. Once in the oven we enjoyed a cold beverage on this 23 degree day. B worked Roo in the round pen. After putting her out with the horses she came in and joined us for supper. She then fed horses, put kitties away and headed home.

And to end that day this is our view

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