Thursday, April 8, 2021

Snow, sleet and sunshine

 I don't know what is up with my internal clock, I checked the clock at 3:40 then drifted back to sleep only to have a messenger call ring on my phone at 4 am which alerted Harley to bark. I got up and checked the front to see if Houdini made it thru the double strands but it was all clear. It was however raining and 4 degrees. Checking my phone it was Sheldon!! I assume he did not mean to send a video call but then text here are some trees to look at. Maybe tomorrow buddy! Now to try and get back to sleep.

It cracks me up when she carries this horn around.. 2 fancy lighting settings on my new phone

H did not come in till after 7, I let her out then back in kennel making her stay till after 8 then to feed her. It seems the rain turned to snow with a light dusting all over and now -3. I turned on the cap machine and was checking posts when Shaina came up to make hers. I threw in a load of laundry after dumping some of my first cap on my fuzzy housecoat. I also put the turkey bones on to simmer all day.

I did marketing then headed out to get started on priming the chairs. Wind and occasional bouts of snow blew by now and then making it the perfect day to work inside. Harley just napped under the table.

A turkey sandwich lunch break after 3 were done then back out to finish the last 3. I finished up and came in at 3:30 as the wind was letting up and the sun coming out. I tried to search out 7/16" wood plugs, no luck locally or in the city but I could order some on amazon for $55 for 25!! Not a chance.

I finished making the soup and ate alone before 6 seeing Shaina was busy with calls all day. She came up and ate before heading to the gym at 7. Britt arrived at her usual after 6, made the horse food, fed and brushed them, let out the cats who were sequestered inside from the wind then was off to home. I went out and fetched a pot Shaina had in the storage trailer trying to find something for figgy. She is going to stop at the couple of ladies places who have bigger pots.

see the yellow leaf? this is number 4

As Shaina headed to town I went to paint a half coat on the chairs hitting the places that had been sanded down. The gal was ok with my putting a bit smaller plugs in the chairs so glued them in and touched up with primer. It was such a beautiful evening with sun and no wind I had to take Harley and the kittens for a walk. I looped back to garage and got the kittens some deer and put them back in the barn for the night. In the garage I painted the table apron and legs before coming in for a cold drink at 9 and catch up the blog. I decided today I might not take anymore dining sets.. holy sore body lol

look who was at the gate looking very miffed both strands were up

everything is primed

I was in bed watching the finale of season 5 Outlander when Shaina returned home. She made popcorn delivering me a bowl on her way to the bath. Thanks :)

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