Tuesday, April 13, 2021

River walk

S had to pee after 6 which of course woke H; he let her out then into the garage and we both went back to sleep. I was awake at 7:45with no falling back asleep. I played some cookie jam then got up and fed H after 8 then onto some marketing. S woke later before 9 making coffee, once made he served me a cup on his way out to sit in the sunshine with H then let kitties out to join them.

We headed out to plan where to put in some new trees. Slik Services has 3 evergreens to remove at Stouts and has found others to get. We arranged 5 spots then he got the tree spade and dug 3 holes. 

pretend these chairs are trees

H and the kitties loved jumping in and exploring the new holes. Switching to the bucket he took the clay to the pit and brought back top soil.

watch this video

I put a 6th coat of poly on the dining table as I noticed streaks, ugh. OCD is not a good thing sometimes. I sanded up the chairs and hauled them in and the dining legs, between running to open the gate for the skid steer driver. Once the horses were gone I left it open. S had a bowl of turkey soup for lunch and I an apple and granola bar. He then hit the couch for a nap.

Once dry I rousted S to help me haul the dining table top in and assemble. He then was back to sleep on the couch with S on her bed, both snoring in short order. I staged some photos then did even more touch ups on the chairs. I finally needed to walk away and let it and suggested a walk at the river. We loaded up H and a cold beverage and headed south.

It was the perfect afternoon to walk. The temperature was 9 with loads of sun and no wind so seemed much hotter. We had a great walk around the almost deserted campground meeting only 2 parties with dogs and 1 people only. H had practice on and off leash. S wore his big rubber boots so loved wading in the river. At one point they went down for water and when I asked where H was he said oh rolling in snow. NO she only rolls in poop and stinky; sure enough as we walked along once they came back up to the path I could smell dead. It was her but gosh she was happy with the new cologne. We had our cold beverage at a picnic table then headed home.

H loves this playground, lots to jump up on

fresh cold drinking water

Britt and Cooper were at the ranch having had an appointment requiring her to get off work early. She had just gotten there and was soaking the food. We sat in the sun with a cold beverage then gave Harley a bath. This seemed to perk her up and off they went to play. B got the food ready for the horses and I fed the dogs. 

I pulled out sausage for her to stay and join us for supper but she got called back to work for a eviscerated castration being on call. The last Hello Fresh meal is is then; spinach and goat cheese topped pork tenderloin.

Sheldon was off to the TV room to watch his Flames win while I worked on computer work. I also kept checking the table top in different lights only to find a fine hair in the clear coat!! UGH, it was lightly sanded out and will leave to am to see if better light. I also added wood filler in a wee chip on table edge S said he would always notice. More computer work before I crawled into bed after a shower and watched YouTube till Britt arrived to pick up Cooper just before 10. She had a quick visit then off. I continued on with more videos then listened to some podcasts before shutting out lights.

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