Wednesday, April 21, 2021

It's my birthday

It's my birthday!! And what a lovely day it will be. H went out at 6:30 then to the garage as usual. I feel back asleep but woke up around 8:30 to a plethora of birthday texts which I answered before feeding her. I was heating the cap machine when Shaina was up having missed her early morning meeting. She had the first cap and got busy making us crepes for breakfast. Yum, thank you! I enjoyed mine while chatting with Dale who called, I don't think he has ever missed a year calling me on my birthday xoxo

I skipped out in the sunshine to let the kitties out. After my yummy breakfast I was getting dressed when I had a message asking it I wanted to guest judge a month long paint contest; yes please! This was followed up by a facetime call from Candace!

Time to head into town to Sharon's but calling in Harley I noticed she was covered in dry grass so took her out for a quick brush. I am not sure if she is itching in the grass from a seasonal allergy or from a turkey allergy seeing they said she was allergic to chicken.

It was a great birthday get together on Sharon's deck in the amazing sunshine. Coreena brought Tims then we ordered Vietnamese delivered for lunch. Sharon even made her famous banana cake! I have such sweet friends, thank you girls for the amazing lunch date. XOXO If you recall Sharon brought me a pan of puffed wheat squares last year during the initial start of the pandemic. She's the best.

I was back home to booster juice waiting from Shaina who was back to work after getting a massage in town, THANK YOU! How yummy!

It was time to strain my first batch water kefir, flavor it and bottle and make a new batch.

I finally got on the computer and read all the bday wishes on Facebook. I started to look thru emails to find I had and Etsy sale in the night!! The round bottom beachy vase. I got it all boxed up and shipping label printed and such!!

Time to take Harley and Stella for a walk in the 17 sunshine. We were back in time for a call from Ma K as the raw food was delivered. I tended to my milk kefir jars then mixed up Harley's supper. The darn rascal has taken to chewing the soft rubber handles on my gardening tools and today digging in the garden bed. Grrrr just when my day was going soooo well :) I was watering plants when Chuck and Deb facetime called singing happy birthday!! How lucky am I to have such great folks. I grabbed a cold beer to join them and catch up.

B and Coop arrived around 6:30 as Shaina was finishing up her day. She brought me a bouquet of flowers and the cutest potted plant, xoxoxo We went and caught the horses and went for a lovely albeit frisky ride in the golden hour sans dogs. Just prior to heading out an Amazon package was finally delivered.

Shaina's fun video

Shaina headed back to do some work, Britt fed the horses while I put the kitties away then headed in to cook us up a late supper; shrimp scampi which was quite tasty. Shaina was not a fan of the almond milk paralyzer; worse then the oat milk one a few weeks back LOL We had a nice visit before B and Coop headed home after 9:30. Shaina made popcorn of course then back to her room. I caught up thanking people for birthday wishes then headed to bed to watch some videos. Before doing so I took H out for a bathroom break in my house coat and it was soooo nice out. However once inside the winds picked up and blew all night most likely bringing in the storm they are forecasting.

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