Sunday, April 25, 2021

It's B's birthday and 3 sales kinda day!!

 It’s Britt’s and Aislyn’s birthday today!! Happy cake day to my birthday week buddies. Go Taurus! I was awake before 7 again; darn internal clock. I let H out who was not a fan of the light snow so did her biz quick then to the kennel. I watched some more YouTube videos before heading out to feed her at the usual 8:30. This am I started with a golden milk while marketing and was excited to hear the cash register chime ring. It was for one of the oil paintings so I got a box and packing ready for it. 

one laying down on left hand side

A gal had planned on stopping this am to see the round mandala coffee table and confirmed 10:15. I tidied the main floor quick, vacuumed then had Shaina help me haul it up once she was awake. Of course I had to add a coat of wax just before she arrived LOL She was right on time, loved it and had cash in hand. Her husband loaded it and after a short visit they were on their way.

Shaina made a golden milk to start her day but has found the turmeric stains her plastic braces 😬, yikes. I was working on updating the sold table when B and C arrive before 11. Shaina came up and made us a cappuccino to visit with. 

As I was enjoying another cap and catching up the blog the cash register chimed again!!! The green chalkboard this time was the lucky winner. I am most pleased with 3 sales in one day, might be my record not counting a market :)

For lunch we ran to town loading up the dogs to come along too for B's birthday shopping trip to Pet Planet. The dogs had mixed reactions; H who has been before was keen but Coop was a nervous nelly with the strangers and masks. I picked up Edo for lunch and we headed home to eat it there. It is like being in what I imagine Ireland would be on a rainy day.

Harley found it squishy in the Jetta back seat with Cooper and Shaina so managed to stretch her head into the front seat arm rest with a front leg on floor to balance

B then fed her horses and headed for town at 3 as the rain/sleet stopped and the sun came out. Shaina was working on Instagram posts and I scrambled to find a box for the latest Etsy sale. Dang it there was a perfect one in the boxes I gave away last night ;( I unboxed 2 IKEA step stools and built a secure box and got it all bubble wrapped, label printed and all taped up.

Yeah!!! weekend sales all ready to go

This is a bit of my ginger lime kefir water, so yummy

The sun did not stay out long but there was no more rain/snow. Next up I made an early supper of a tasty smoothie delivering one to Shaina then got busy bottling up my first kombucha bath and making a new batch; full size this time in my new jumbo beverage container. It is however much larger then 1 gallon so may make the worlds biggest scoby lol. I flavored the first ever kombucha batch with berry ginger. I only got 2 bottles :)

This was followed by bottling with the same flavor and making a new batch of water kefir. I rousted Shaina from her apartment to join me for a walk. It was a brisk plus 5 like yesterday when we walked, I took off Bird rain sheet as we passed. Shaina helped me put the kitties away as I took them raw venison seeing a bit early for the day. B had let them out later when she arrived seeing inclimate weather. I did a poop loop then checked the rain gauge. It says 9/10ths but has a crack so maybe more?

J is the funniest dog - video

I did computer work taking a break to join Shaina for so homemade quac and chips. She also made a breakfast sandwich seeing our smoothie was not filling for the athlete. I have lots to catch up on including the blog but shut down at 10 as tomorrow is another day. And it should be a catch up day. Today was a great birthday and sales day!

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