Sunday, April 11, 2021

Dining set progresses

I had a sleep in Sunday till after 8:30 after letting H out before 7 then putting in garage :) Then she and I let the kitties out in the sunshine but cool air and frozen water dishes. The robins were back yesterday and my tulips are popping thru the ground!!! I got a cap and marketing underway giving her a bone to go decimate outside. I put a few more things on Etsy and the blog posted for yesterday with another cap and a chai latte.

snapped this for an Instagram tour

Then it was out to work on the dining table set. The chairs were touched up and lightly sanded but I am almost out of paint so not able to give full coats. The table apron was second coated. Late lunch break to have a bowl of soup after 1:30. I put the remainder in a couple bowls to freeze. Then it was back to the table white washing the leaves to let customer decide. While waiting for her reply I decided I did not like the more white so sanded all the white down to a worn weathered look. The look she liked after sanding with the dust which changed her mind from black. Then she wanted it to stay natural but today decided whitewashed. Her reply was more white.. lol just my luck.

below the right leaf is more white and the left less which I preferred but even then too much white so I started hand sanding it down

B was out mid afternoon to make up feed, groom her horses then feed them. I went out to get some sunshine and thought about taking dogs for a walk but changed my mind from the bitter wind so gave H a good brushing in a sheltered area. B gave Cooper another duck neck which killed Harley to stay inside but she already had a bone today. B helped me move the table top to the lower work table for me to start the staining process. Once done B and Cooper headed for home after 4. I stained the table itself lighter then the leaves but the customer decided still more white.

I love this combo.. but she wanted more white, time for a supper break

so excited I forgot to add the chicken

Time for a drink and make my Hello Fresh meal # 3; lemon chicken and goat cheese. While the chicken cooked I fed H her supper cause she is starving of course. I also changed out my kefir putting the grains in a new batch of milk and putting the fermented batch in the fridge with an orange slice. No more for H right now :) Here is an article on kefir for those not knowing about it. Now to eat my supper and OMG was it delicious!!! Just like a fancy restaurant!! 5 stars!

Back to the garage I gave Harley a bath all by myself then while she dried off I put another thin coat of white on the table top as per customers request. I did give my opinion but it is her table she is paying me to paint :)

H and I then put the kitties to bed and she got a chew in her kennel with fresh bedding but this medium size leftover from Lola ended up stuck in her throat causing lots of salivating, burping and such so I let her out to move around. Eventually she got it down and came in to curl up on her bed. It did only reach 8 today but was sunny so looked warm but not really. I caught up todays blog then headed to soak in a hot tub then bed watching YouTube around 9.

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