Friday, April 30, 2021

24 degree WINDY day!!

I heard Harley rustling around at 5:45 and thought I heard her scratch on door but it was just her paw as she was stretching but of course seeing me then she was up. I let her out and watched the sunrise then put her in the garage. I fell back asleep for about an hour then awake. I played a bit of cookie jam then fed H early and turned the water on the trees at 8. Good thing as the wind picked up later in the day.

S headed to town at 10 to load more sod, I shut off the water to the trees hoping they are soaked in for the hot day ahead. I called to chat with Mom and Dad while watering my plants and tidying up. Chatting with a friend always makes chores easier right?

Luna saw a chance she thought was to get in the house only to be foiled by the screen.

I finished up a few touches on my black desk tutorial and got it posted and started a couple others. S was back after dumping 3rd load of sod just before noon. We had lunch then S trouble shot a battery issue again in the dump trailer/truck. At 1 he was off to town to get a massage. I bottled 5 mango lime ginger kombucha bottles and made a new batch. Shaina popped up for a late lunch after 2 as I was booching. She then headed to town to the gym. The wind had picked up as forecast but a warm 24 wind.

best to store in a cooler in case they explode!

I worked on accounting including paying my taxes ;(. Sheldon was back after 3 for a big cup of water then out to dig the big tree hole a bit bigger. Shaina was back just in time for her 4 pm call. S made another trip back to town for what he hopes is last sod load at 4:30. As he pulled into the yard we both saw the poor tall tree that tipped before had tipped again; the stake line let go. He put it back up and came in from the hurricane. 

See the same poor tree tipping to the east in the background?

I made a delicious spinach and fruit salad to go with dry ribs for supper. We were just sitting down to eat when Shaina headed to the city after 6. Britt and Cooper were out after 7 to withstand the high winds and feed her horses then gone shortly after she put kitties away. THANKS. I jumped in the shower quick  and changed the sheets for that super fresh feeling. We enjoyed a tasty beverage while watching the sun set from inside. The wind finally settled around 10 thank goodness.

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