Thursday, March 4, 2021

Warm enough to sand outside

The dam coyotes was back at 3:33 then 5:30 but short bursts and Harley nor Sheldon woke. Harley was awake before 7 coming in for a morning greeting. I took her out and fed her a most exciting breakfast and then sent her out to do her business. Sure enough the poop was much smaller then the normal huge stinky pile, first success! She came around to her kennel and relaxed as S made coffee just after 7.

Marketing for me and he went to let cats out. It looks like another great weather day ahead. Time to get busy in the garage; I started by sanding the dresser top but even with the shop vac in the other hand it still makes a dusty air. I will take out when warmer and finish up. I decided to try and shop vac the stairs and work area seeing sanding dust and dog hair abound. S went out to hook up his air hose then in to rest as feeling his dizzy /nausea again today. Shaina has a headache today so she made a cappuccino and back downstairs. 

I started painting the custom ordered frame I cleaned up yesterday and while first coat dried has some cereal with S. After the second coat I scrubbed the table left at the gate and it was left to dry while I caught up the blog. S went back out and took the poop wagon via quad to the pit. I made us tuna sandwiches with a new dill pickle salad that actually tasted good.

S had a rest after lunch while I snapped photos of the cleaned up art work I will try and sell before painting frames. It seems there are many looking for vintage art pieces esp actual painted pieces.

Time for a walk as it is PLUS 12!! S, Harley and I set out for a western loop. It was so lovely. Back at the house S sat on the deck with a phone call and I went in to finish the frame sanding and adding dark wax then snapping a few pics for the buyer.

After his lengthy phone call, I had S help me haul the dresser outside to sand on the back deck. I got the top all sanded off and the sides and base smoothed. S took the blue tub to the winter pasture approach then hosed off the ranger. 

I also added more black spray to the magazine rack outside seeing it was so nice. S headed in as did H for their naps. While S snored on the couch I wrote a Hometalk post for the black dresser. My milk paint parcel was finally delivered.

B was invited to join us for supper again and arrived at 6 to do Cooper's poop walk. I cooked up Hello Fresh meal # 2 Italian chicken and lemony pepper sauce. It was ok but why would I order a pepper filled meal is beyond me LOL.

forgot the fresh parsley in this pic

S was off to watch the Flames game downstairs while little S hit the couch with her headache and B & I discussed raw diet. She is coming to the dark side I think :) She put the kitties away before she and Cooper headed home, thanks. I finished some computer work then got ready for bed. S had a very directionally challenged couple eventually finding the place after 9 pm to  pick up a hay net he sold. Once the Flames game ended he came up and we watched another Vikings episode before he was fast asleep.

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