Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Sauerkraut eating dog


Same old morning with H going out at 6:20, around to the garage then up to feed at 8:30. Today I started a new product to help grow my lashes purchased from the soon to be new owner of Sugar Me!!

I prepped a cap and got to work on marketing after letting the cats out. This morphed into accounting with another cap. Shaina was up for hers then off to calls. I also started changing our address, our mailing now correlates with our blue sign marker. We also have a new town and postal code for anyone needing it :) Kaylin text to say Lexi is getting in earlier for her surgery on march 29 which is good as her eye is getting worse she says.

always a fav spot to rest

Shaina ate a bowl of oatmeal then off to town for chiro and gym work out before 1. I took a break from my accounting to go out and work on the long dresser. More wood filler was added to the top, the side was sanded and more added there too. It looks like it is not getting any warmer then 6 so the cats, H and I did a loop around the west to try and stay out of the brisk wind. At least the sun was shining I guess. Back at the house the kitties got some deer meat and H her kong while I did more research.

Shaina was back before 4 with a surprise chai tea for me, THANK YOU! I continued on with my computer work and washing up snowsuits seeing it is now spring. For supper I chose to make a big pot of chili inviting B to join us. Harley was so hungry and impatient tonight but when she got her food she wolfed it down including sauerkraut!

B arrived after 6 scooping poop and some extra, thanks. H went out with Coop and B came in for supper. Shaina was finished her calls now and we all had a nice meal together. She packed up after supper and headed to Banff at 7 for the week taking her friend Jacob a bowl of chili too. B went to feed Bird with the beet pulp I soaked for her when feeding H then she and Cooper were off after 7:30. Coop will be back for his daycare day tomorrow. 

I created a giveaway graphic earlier today and got the post done for Instagram for tonight and scheduled on Facebook for tomorrow morning. I totally forgot a giveaway blog post so wrote one after supper. I shared on a few groups hoping to drum up new followers and future buyers. More computer work writing a Hometalk tutorial for the hardwood fix then off heading to bed at 9 but wanted to check a setting on the blog. inadvertently I clicked on comments only to find 1400 were waiting to be approved!! OH MY GOSH and here I thought no one ever commented!! SO for the next 2 + hours I cleaned them up (3/4 were spam) and started replying to about 150 of them before heading to bed after midnight. I of course had to watch a few YouTubes and listen to an Oprah podcast before falling asleep after 1 am.

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