Monday, March 8, 2021

Glasses arrived for what the 5th time?

Monday again, the days seem to fly by. It was a usual morning of H care, she and I let the kitties out in the sunshine. Harley got the remaining half a bison roast the kitties have been working on for months. I cleaned off my desk and sink as morning chores :) Once S was up he spent the morning cleaning up his phone screen as he has so many apps.

The well was checked by a half ton early morning then a rig and water truck showed up around noon. I cooked us up the last Hello Fresh turkey scaloppini for a big lunch. As I was making it, Kaylin called with update from Lexi's specialist appointment with sad news. She does need her eye removed ($2900) and the other which has a cataract that may turn into glaucoma like the right eye should be removed as well. They would do both for $5200!

She is booked in for April 6th so keep her in your thoughts and prayers everyone

Lunch was delicious. Sheldon played a bit of ball with Harley then was loaded up and off early before 1:30 heading to the rental first then doing a return at Costco on way to airport. Shaina was loaded up and heading west soon after. She has an apartment to check out in the city then heading to Banff to finish up her busy check in day.

I had a message my glasses were finally found, the new lenses in and ready so I too plan to head to town. S called forgetting the for rent sign so I found it, dusted it off and changed to his phone number . Harley was loaded up and off we went dropping him the sign first. Next stop grab my glasses then Cooper with the final stop to grab a chai tea and carrot cake muffin.

Back home Harley came in to nap and Cooper went for a venture. She eventually went out when I went to garage to paint a 3rd coat on the little white table. I was test driving my new progressive office desk lens and NOT a fan. The sweet spot is so limited. Dogs both came in for a short nap while I caught up some computer work still trying the glasses with no luck.

I took the dogs out for a walk after 5. The plus 10 weather again has more snow gone and lots of mud so they were dirty. Back at the house they played while I scooped more revealed poop piles around the yard, put the kitties away and was playing ball with them when Britt rolled in before 7. She helped me hose off Harley then she quickly did Cooper and was off for home.

frisky ponies video

another ball playing video

H napped in her kennel to dry off while I did end of day computer tasks. Supper was light seeing lunch was a full meal deal. I made kale salad with a pepperoni stick on the side and my carrot cake muffin for dessert! At 8:30 I headed to bed where I started a new series called The Arrangement. It is ok but not sure about it.

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