Saturday, March 20, 2021

First ride of the year for me

S let H out at 6:30 then to the garage and back to sleep. I fed her at 8 and made coffee serving the prince in bed. I feel much better today but still have a slight dizziness, wth?? I worked on catching up marketing and messages.

this was desk picked up yesterday

S hooked up the dump trailer and was off to town to finish his tree trimming at the rental. I got busy scrubbing the front door inside and out and the walls around it that were missed. Only so much time for the cleaners and the rest being cleaned allows me to see and do the places missed.

B and Cooper were out . She harrowed the arena and set the sprinkler up. I caught Switch and she Roo and we enjoyed a nice ride inside out of the wind; first one of the year for me and Switch. At the end we even looped them around the SW paddocks with Harley and Cooper coming to join us excitedly.

S was back home around 1:30 as we were coming in. I made us a couple pizzas for lunch. B and S went to change her oils and tires while I watered plants and washed more areas. Once they were done she was off for home before 4. S set up camp on the couch for a np with a big glass of water while I prepped Hello Fresh supper; meatballs and pasta. I thought 4 meatballs might not be enough but it was very filling. The Flames game was early at 5 so after eating S was off to the big TV room to watch it and the next hockey game following the Flames loss. He went out between games and locked kitties in and helping them with the pigeon eating process.

I worked on catching up the blog while watching an episode of Outlander then a Fate. I moved to bed and watched another Fate and actually shut off iPad before 9:30 and think I fell asleep not long after and amazingly did not wake when S came to bed. Best sleep night in months.

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