Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Off to the city

Snow covered everything upon waking and -10 when Miss H wanted out at 6. I tucked her back in her kennel till 8 then fed her breakfast with her probiotic and egg specialty. S made coffees and we had 1 in bed before I got onto my marketing. Today I have TWO Instagram features.. yeah me. Finger's crossed they bring some good buyers. S went out after a few coffees to let kitties out and was shoveling the walk when the house appraiser arrived. He toured the fellow and gave info as needed. He took H for a quick walk and play some ball to wear her out a bit before her day at home in the house alone.

Amazon delivery of new mop pads ready for spring weather :)

I spent an hour in a panic not getting into my blog account before I figured out it was hacked but the old blog account. I was relieved but still miffed why someone wanted to hack a blog account but guess they hoped the email was linked to $$. A quick snack then we loaded up leaving Harley to man the house just after 12. Good news for Kaylin she has her quarantine lifted and able to go back to work today!

We swung thru Tim's in the city so S had tea for his wait but I could not drink mine in time before he dropped me at the dentist after 1. We did a drive by to see the corral being knocked down at stampede park. I had my chat with Dr Andrew and an x-ray of the implant area then had my teeth cleaned. I was back out to the car at 2:45 to the waiting chauffeur. He then drove us to the next stop Costco. 

they had these doors I thought would work for B's basement renter bedroom which seem like a lot but maybe not at these latest lumber shortage prices and then I saw it was the whole kit which is awesome deal

This is where the wheels fell off the service bus. The brand new garburator without the order number posed a challenge for the return gal as did the other few returns. It took over half an hour and we finally said we would get the number and return at another Costco. It was then looping thru the not busy store however all the sale items were not where normally placed causing a real search and find. I did however get a pretty orchid and tulip bowl to brighten the house.

Off east we swung thru town picking up a parcel dropped at Amanda's; my Instagram win and Shaina's parcel, drop a return at the drugstore PO depot, pick up Opa for supper, fuel the car then give it a quick wash before jetting home. Harley was happy to see us arrive at 6 as we loaded stuff in. I fed her and let her out as we ate our pitas. B and Cooper pulled in soon after hoping for supper. Being a bust she was off not long after the puppies had a quick play.

If you are on Instagram I would love some likes and support on my page

S put the kitties away then headed to TV room to watch hockey. I wrote todays blog with Sneaky Pete at my side. Today was a milder day hitting zero according to our thermometer here at the ranch and a low of -12. Disappointed in his team S went to bed after second period ended. I shut off my iPad before 11, H never went out tonight even.

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