Monday, February 1, 2021

It is February 1st already!

H came into the bedroom before 7:30 but when I asked if she wanted out she just lay down by the bed so I crawled back in for 10;) Then she went out and was fed. While eating S was up making a cap for her 8 am meeting. I was next in line. Cooper was dropped off for his play day before 8; B scooped a poop and was on her way. Puppies were off for a play. I let the kitties out to join in on the sunshiny day doing a poop scoop loop on my way back to the house.

Shaina made us breakfast after her meeting comprised of scrambled eggs, beans and toast, THANKS Dude. She was then back to her busy check in Monday and I to the computer. I also put the Creative Moments stickers on all the new products and did some more staging.

I made a late lunch at one of tuna sandwich, Shaina took a break at 2 and we went for a walk with the dogs and kittens of course seeing was so nice out. It hit PLUS 8 but they say Fridays low will be about -27!!

Back inside I wrote a Hometalk post for the shelf while the pups had a nap. Time to try the next paint technique on the washed up vases. It did not go as planned lol The sea spray seemed runny so left them to dry and the pups got a frozen snack.

I went back out and tried drying with my heat gun then finally left them.

The dogs were out again so a quick vacuum and mop. I just leave the hose out in the bedroom and the mop bucket filled most days. A bit of accounting, posting my old phone for sale and a few other  marketing chores. For supper I cooked Shaina's fav battered fish but the box did not contain chips so rice it was. She was working out between clients but stopped to eat then back to work.

Back out to check on the vases, not a fan. I tried doing 2 more with same bad results then had the sprayer plug up. Britt stopped out at 7:30 to pick up Cooper after work and a board meeting. She put the cats away before leaving. I started a new show Modern Love while catching up the blog. Moving to bed I switched to Younger which was more entertaining. Sheldon was not home till after 11, scarfed down food then hit the hay asleep before me.

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