Monday, December 21, 2020

Winter Solstice

 I think the magnesium oil worked I woke at 7:30 on my back which is never how I sleep :) Yeah!! Shaina said she had a good sleep too and I sprayed her before she was off to bed. Flingers crossed this might be our sleep answer. While Harley ate her breakfast I sponge sanded the trinket box and clear waxed it.

Inside it was caps and catchup. Today is Mom's birthday, Happy cake day XOXO. It is also winter solstice, the shortest day of the year with some great universal alignment that has not been in years so today will be a great day.

 I dark waxed the trinket box and staged it up.

The lady who messaged to buy the wooden shelf arrived at 10 but the gate messed up for her so I drove it down to meet her and trouble shoot the gate once again. After a short visit she was off and I back to the house. 

Shaina was up making her cappuccino and onto her busy check-in Monday. This worked well as I had to run to town and she could sit Harley. I loaded up and was off at 11:30. My eye glasses adjustment did not happen but rather new lenses were ordered. These ones are specifically readers only so have a limited range of vision and don't work on the computer which was why I bought them with the blue light filter.

This looks tasty but is it? anyone try it?

Next stop was a couple stores including the liquor store. They have been a booming business during covid LOL. Next the grocery store for milk and 3 other things which resulted in a long winding lineup to pay. Then to top it off I hate plastic bags in the environment so declined buying one and ended up dumping my yogurt just outside the door, dang it. I salvaged what I could of course. A loop thru the thrift store came up empty so grabbed a tims and home. The mail was a bust too.

Back home after 1:30 Shaina was still busy at her check ins. We had a bowl of chili for a late lunch then the grey painted pieces were dark waxed and I wrote a new Etsy ad for the trinket box. Harley was in need of exercise so she and I headed out for a walk at 3 reversing our usual east loop. At the east fence she was sniffing around so I had stopped to call her and low and behold looked down to find Stella right at my feet with Luna bringing up the rear. What funny kitties. 

3 videos for you

Our trip back to the house was full of lots of Harley trying to get them to play and run with her but the cats were not fans.

I checked out Roo for Britt then came in to get back to work. I had an email that a parcel was delivered to the gate. It seems Costco found a replacement sink disposal in some warehouse. Of course they did now that S had replumbed the kitchen sink. I thought I would have B grab it on her way out tonight but it was not long after that the snow started to move in and come down. I drove to the gate to get it and once back put away the kitties. This took many steps as they usually follow right away but the 2 littles were under the back garage deck so had to go retrieve them. All tucked away in the warm mez, H and I headed back to the house. I prepped veggies to roast to go with salmon burgers and quinoa.

Supper was later after Shaina's 6 pm meeting. The snow is really coming down out there. Mom called to say her basement was flooding again ;( OH NO! The plumber was there and hopefully they get it fixed ASAP. After my evening marketing I crawled into bed with my tablet, Shaina joined me and we watched Happiest Season. She was off to bed at 11 with her magnesium spray on and a snack. Sheldon text the roads were super slow with all the snow and he was just at Chestermere grabbing a tea at Tims. He made it home at 11:45, chugged a glass of milk, brushed his teeth and was fast asleep in short order.

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