Sunday, December 27, 2020

Last Sunday of 2020

The last Sunday of 2020 Harley has changed her sleep pattern to 8 I think  as been 3 days now. I like that little bit extra. She doesnt even want to go out just to day hi. She actually did not eat until  mid morning. S got the coffee on for one in bed then I was up to try and get a few of the blog posts caught up and posted. I also continued the clean up and started laundry. I also put the turkey bones on for soup. The sunny day had fog roll in that was crazy.

Shaina was up around 9:30 after a shower made a cappuccino, packed up a turkey plate for her friend Ryan who was alone for Xmas and headed to the city around 11. She brought in the vacuum carpet cat she picked up after repaired in the city. I gave it a go only to find they did not replace a part that was broke and continues to stick. S had just come in from pushing snow in the skid steer and deck so had a look but no luck. The power handle is no longer working either.

Queen of the snow mound ;)

queen video

fog rolling in and crazy clouds

Lunch was left overs then S hit big brown for a nap, Kaylin the couch with Lexi and a blanket with her laptop. Britt and Cooper stopped out around 1:30 bringing me carrots for my soup, ate the last of her soup she had here, grabbed a helmet and was off ski doing with a friend. 

Britt snapped this one in the fog on her way back

S went out around 2:30 to push snow down the lane. The sun once again was out but fogged in after 3. B was back after 4 getting fogged out, she and Kaylin played a game till supper. S was back in on his tablet. After eating and the game was over B headed home after 6. Kaylin helped fold towels and was off to her room. S and I headed to bed to watch Kingdom getting season 1 finished and starting season 2. Shaina was back home after midnight making it safely thru the fog.

Can I play?

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