Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Farmhouse bowl making day

Shaina was up for her 6 am meeting getting her cappuccino prepped before hand. We awoke to a fresh covering of snow that actually was coming down at 4 am when I went to check on H who I thought I heard. She was curled up in her kennel. S let her out after 7:30 and pushed the coffee button then put her back in her kennel. I took her for breakfast and found shaina at the island doing her days work. 

I sanded and painted the bowls again and waxed the little trinket box. It had pictures snapped and posted on my Etsy store. S took H out to let kitties out and shovel the walks. The temperature has hovered at plus one and rising a bit making the snow melt and drip and makes for muddy dog feet. I hauled out the vacuum to get hair and dirt up and passed off to S part way thru getting the mop and bucket out.

We had a zoom investment meeting at noon for an hour then I cooked tuna melts. Shaina came up to join us but she has a headache today so tried to rest. Today was mostly overcast but the sun did come out for a bit after lunch and hit plus 4.

Back to the garage where the bowls were sanded and waxed. The first was brought in to stage and write an Etsy ad. After a big brown rest S took the furry from crappy non freezer working issues out to dump at his coyote pile. While on a roll he had Shaina help him load the faulty freezer as she left for the gym before 4. I helped him load Harley and they took the freezer to the dump. I continued with the waxed bowls getting all staged and all Etsy ads created. 

Once back from the dump S made us a cocktail while we waited for Shaina. Once she was home from the gym the croissants were cooked and soup enjoyed. Shaina was off to her room, Britt and Cooper were out after 7 for soup and a poop :) They headed home after 8. The temperatures have not dropped below freezing and are to stay that way for the next little while. I worked catching up the blog, S went and put kitties away and crawled into bed around 8:30. I finished up on the computer after 9 as Shaina was getting her snack. I made us all a smoothie then I crawled into bed too to read.

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