Friday, December 11, 2020

Etsy sale!!

Shaina was up making her cappuccino for her 7 am meeting. I let Harley out and fed her then tuckered her back to bed for a bit while I played a few cookie jam games. I made the coffee and delivered a cup to the sleeping beauty. He came out to join us as I threw in some laundry and got working on marketing. I was stoked to see an Etsy sale come thru for the largest of the farmhouse bowls! I got it all packed up along with a gift card and treats. I got the shipping label finished after we virtually attended Uncle Ron Stolz's funeral.

Shaina made us lunch; bacon, scrambled eggs and beans, Sheldon added the toast, thanks guys.

S took Harley for a much needed walk to the east fence and back. It is overcast and brisk out there today. We have been spoiled. Shaina packed up the washed gym cloths, my Etsy parcel and was off to the gym at 2:30.

I wrote a tutorial for the brown antique table and got it shared on a few pages. S took our "puppy" accordion gate to the shop to cut a metal hook off it that catches on our leg walking by now and then. We had a rum in Uncle Ron's honor. Shaina was back from town around 4:30. S decided to roll the horses a bale so took his new skid steer for a rip. He looked locked up the kitties then too.

Sheldon submitted this photo ;)

I cooked us up a scrumptious salmon supper and B arrived before 7 to get her plate full. She was just in time for the hot saskatoon pie I pulled out of the oven too. S scrubbed pots as I whipped up some yummy brownies. Prince ran to Matt's to grab the deer legs and put in the small freezer he turned on last night. B brought in my parcel, my new heat gun!

The brownies were taste tested perhaps a bit early as they say cool in pan at least an hour. They seemed to stick but that may be from not enough pan greasing or time cooking but my roomies still ate them ;) S went to bed to watch The Punisher on his iPad and followed close behind to read my book.

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