Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Steak supper for 4

Another pretty sunrise for H and I then off to eat. Today I left her in the garage to eat and crawled back in but she barked after 10 minutes of waiting for me; this was a first LOL. S made coffee and we got on with the day. S relaxed on the couch but did go let cats out in just his Hugh Hefner robe then had a nap :) I worked on catching up the blog and marketing.

Shaina was up before 10:30 to make her cap and toast then head over to train Sharon. S got dressed and took H out to play fetch for a bit after 11 as I created my black Friday sales post. Shaina was back in the hour then on to a client call at noon as I cooked up grilled cheese for us all. I delivered hers to her meeting as she was still going after 1.

S was back to the couch to nap while I wrote a Hometalk post for the tea cart. Seeing it was around zero I hauled the old table out to sand outside. It was a bit brisk but was worth being outside. Back inside Shaina was back up working on her laptop. Once prince was awoken by Harley wanting to play; he and I went to the garage. I put together 3 stools for Thursday's painting class, S cleaned out the drain gutters.

of course the inspector was on duty too :)

Britt and Cooper arrived as were were finishing up just after 4. She took food to Bird while the dogs played. Her friends results came back negative so all is well and she gladly took us up on the offer to join us for steak supper. She did run to town to grab groceries seeing it was her day off and was a good thing as after the 5 pm provincial new rules all the stores will be nuts till Friday.

S and I made a veggie pack to put on the barbeque seeing it was now plus 3 out. The steaks were cooked to perfection and everyone was digging in at 6, yummy! B and S relaxed, Shaina was off to the gym and I caught up the blog. B and Coop headed home after a bit. I sorted jackets after putting away the ones I washed today while S put the cats away then we watched some more Bad Blood. Shaina was home from the gym and getting groceries then off to her room with a bowl of cereal.

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