Friday, November 13, 2020

Hunting success on Friday the 13th

The wind woke me at 3 am then there was rustling and Lexi awake after 5. S let her out then got up to do day 3 of hunting. Of course this meant I too was awake but stayed in bed. He loaded his stuff, ground his coffee and had a look at the dishwasher that is not draining for last few days. By look at I mean take apart and have it all on the island including under sink items too.

I drifted back to sleep only to be woke for H after 7 to go out and eat. I took the bed frame apart and snapped a few photos while she ate. The lack of sleep has added up and made for a very lack luster day. The weather was grey and overcast as well but at least -1 all day long. After feeding her, I did step 2 of the sour dough bread then scrubbed up all the dished from in the dishwasher and tidied up. I worked on a new newsletter finishing up after 12. 

Shaina left to the city for a dental appointment around 11:30. An amazon parcel was deliver just before noon which had Harley very excited as it contained a tug and toss ball Mom ordered. There was a load of dirt delivered to the pit as I was eating lunch. I heated the oven and threw in the sour dough loaf.

This package was picked up yesterday at the gate, I won this sprayer in another giveaway!

Seeing the horses were in for water after 1 I went out to check Switch, still no change. It was nice out at plus 1 so let J out, checked on the kitties and clean up all the dog poop while they ran around. I got out the ice chipper and chipped off back deck/stairs, front stairs and sidewalk. Once back inside the oven was beeping with the bread done! Good thing I came in. The sun even peeked out for half an hour which was nice.

Inside I was back to computer work. I was successful teaching Harley a new "bang" trick.

Another load of dirt was dumped before 5, S home soon after with his deer. For the next 3 hours they (Brett has his 10 yr old son with them for the day) skinned them up.

B was out after 7, she finished the fish leftovers. We visited then Prince joined us after his cleanup at 8. Harley was totally out of sorts with his new smell and it took allot of barking and sniffing to finally come to terms it was indeed him. B and Coop went home before 10.

Harley the doorbell rang along with Lexi chiming in at 1:20 when Shaina came in. She took Lexi to bed with her and I crawled back in mine.

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