Monday, November 2, 2020

Horse filled day

Time change does not make sense to dogs(or kids for that matter) so H was ready to go outside around 7 new time. The sky was such pretty pink shades to the west, worth getting up. Once we were done our usual morning routine we rustled up the coffee maker. He continued to pack his hunting bag while I quickly showered then he ran to town around 9 to get an oil filter to change truck oil before heading to airport today. He grabbed a couple things at grocery store and mail and back in short order. Harley spent most of the morning laying in the sun on the deck with J nearby. I spent the morning continuing my cleaning frenzy on the kitchen counters adding the new bread box. I did hike out to check Switch's foot as she was walking a bit better, nothing had broke thru yet.

shaking out the crumbs before scrubbing up I found sparklers tucked in the back

S was back in by 11 showered and packing for hunting and heading north. I cooked up homemade pizza for lunch as well as fresh guacamole. I was then on to my desk cleaning it all off and scrubbing!

S was off at 1:30 making a stop at the cat dealer to test drive their skid steer model at 2:30. Britt pulled in not long after he left. She brought iced coffees, THANKS B. They were perfect on a PLUS 24 day! She took the quad to the horses to evaluate. Once back to the house we walked back out and caught Switch and Roo. I got a message I won another Instagram giveaway; a paint sprayer system, wahoo!!

this dog has no idea that this is not the place to lay

We were working on Roo's feet when the vet Dr Ashley arrived with her helper Will (who Harley loved as he played with her). Ashley checked her over and confirmed it looked very much like an abscess but would like to x-ray to be sure. Britt had wanted x-rays as well so that was next.

While we were trimming the kittens had ventured out that far and continued their exploration wanting to help with the x-rays too. Harley was right there too like a Dr Doolittle zoo ;) I sent the dogs out and closed up the shop as the farmer next door had 3 tractor/spreaders going and trucks bombing around the field. X-rays confirmed a lateral abscess that probably with move up to break out. We shall continue to poultice it. They packed up and were on their way leaving us to finish Roo's feet while Switch soaked standing on her own like a good girl.

Roo was set free when done and we poulticed and wrapped Switch. It was getting a bit cool now so I left her grazing to get a jacket while B walked out to get Bird to feed her. Roo wanted to run wily nilly which excited Switch causing them both to run along the fence line with Switch on the road side. I walked almost to the gate to catch her and bring back minus her freshly wrapped foot to do over. 

Bird was set free, dogs were put away and trimming tools and we waited for TJ to arrive to go with him to take Jessie to Murray's. Travis and his new sidekick Tim, a border collie, arrived at 6. I loaded Switch up and off we went.

We arrived back at Murrays at 6:15 unloaded the horses and took them in for assessment. Switch had a small outage but he left until her abscess breaks thru and the rest of 45 min visit was about Jessie. It was decided right away she has teeth issues which very much affect her very underweight body issues and is the first thing that needs addressing. Putting her on a high fat, high protein with good hay and addition complete feed is in order. Added oil is option al and weigh and photograph biweekly. In one month hopefully she will gain enough to get her holding her own thru winter and continue to gain and build muscle. This would be when to evaluate where she is at. No adjustments were made to her still effusive stifle as it will not hold with out muscle. So after our chat we loaded them back up and set off for home.

Time for Tim to meet Harley and Cooper after I let Switch out and put Jessie in the barn pen. B hauled a couple bales over putting one out for her to eat. Shaina was back from her city weekend and came out to meet Tim as well. I called mom to chat over the appointment results while Britt found a spot at Moore's to get Jessie and Slim's teeth done on Thursday. The girls took the dogs inside while Travis and I hauled in 2 little dressers into the garage I had Mom source me in Oyen, THANKS! Then he was off for home at 8 to return with Slim Thursday.

they are allot smaller then I thought but should make selling easier? and they have legs too

The girls were snacking on Halloween treats S brought back as well as pizza for B's supper. I heated up my leftover Vietnamese for my late 8:30 supper. B and Cooper headed home, Shaina made popcorn and she and I caught up before heading to bed at 10. I watched videos till H heard something outside at 11 so out for a quick check and bathroom break then back to her kennel for the night. Whew this was a busy horse day here at the ranch.

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