Sunday, November 15, 2020

Harley turns 1!!

Today is Harley's birthday, I chose middle of the month as they had no actual date given when she was surrendered. And 15 is one of my favorite numbers. She was tip toeing around at 7:45 but when I got up she had only moved to quietly lay on her cushion, what a good girl! She made her usual loop around to breakfast then in to get her birthday pet from the prince who was making coffee. I jumped in the shower quick as a day ahead of seeing folks. 

how about a tug a war to start the day?

Harley was excited to play with her tug which of course Lexi wanted too. Lexi is not a fan of playing well with other dogs and prefers to be an only child. The skid steer buyer arrived right on 9 am. S quickly got dressed and spent the next hour demonstrating, teaching the guy how to use it and helping him load it securely on his trailer. At 10 he was on the road back to BC and S inside to make more coffee.

I gave Harley a big leg bone for her "birthday bone" which kept her busy outside. Gail stopped by at 11 to pick up Shaina and take to help her get a kitten with the bed frame customer right behind her. She loaded the bed frame without much care and packing so worried it may get scratches on way home but she is a grown lady.

guard dogs

Lexi and Harley's tug a war antics on video (3)

who do you think wins?

birthday girl!

Shaina packed up a few boxes of goodies as she is heading to Banff for a few days to water her plants and get in some snowboarding. We all had the last of the left over creamed chicken before heading out. Harley was put in kennel with another birthday treat; her qwizzle with a jumbo pizzle froze in it. Britt will be out later.

birthday qwizzle

S and I were on the road to the city at 1:30 with Shaina not far behind. Says hit high of 3 here but we hit 7.5 in the city. The first stop was at Tail Blazers pet store that had give gift coupons thru Harley's adoption. I chose a bag of free dry food for her and wet food for the kitties. As a birthday treat I finally chose a water buffalo horn. The fellow said their tough chewer had his for 4 years and was a good choice. Using the coupon it was only $4 so worth a try. They had pizzles there that were almost 3' long, who knew! But they were pricey and I know she would eat that in 10 minutes flat.

Britt had called saying she found the spot FINALLY on Switch. Thank goodness for our on site vet tech. She soaked, poulticed and gave her meds for her now swollen leg. Harley  also enjoyed having Cooper come to play for her birthday party. B took Lexi home to spend the night and keep Cooper company during the day tomorrow while at work. Kaylin's heat has still not been fixed so keeping Lexi where its warm.

the tug a war continues while Britt is in charge

Next stop was my massage with a gal all the girls go to. She is also a medium. Sheldon relaxed in the car while I ended up with a 2 hour session. The first part was paper work and getting a walk on my back after demo to do Sheldon's at home. The massage found all the very sore knots and the last half was lots of medium information coming thru.

It was getting dark when I was back to the car after 5. S had made a few calls and saw a crazy "on drugs" lunatic rant which made him happy he did not reside in the city. We were then off to Tony Roma's for supper to use gift card from Ma and Pa K. S went with ribs and I prime rib started with a tasty warm shrimp appetizer and frosty margarita. THANK YOU Ma & Pa!! XOXOXO

We were back to the ranch just after 7 to greet the birthday girl and give her the new horn after a late supper. We called it an early night and while I finished season 2 of the Alienist S caught up on his social media. We then started Bad Blood as per Kaylin's recommendation but I could not stay awake for more then half so shut it off and will continue another night. Happy first birthday Miss Harley!

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