Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Harley Graduates

The new melatonin pills I have been trying for the last 4 days don’t seem to be working. I upped it from 2 for the first 3 days and took the prescribed dose of 4 last night. Perhaps it was more the crazy wind that kicked up at 3 am and had the deck chair tapping directly outside my head board. I put on my house coat and shuffled out and around the deck to move it away from the wall while Harley slumbered on. Back to bed, brrr.

It was a foggy start to the day and brisk at -8. Harley is like an alarm clock ready to wake at 7:30 but not necessarily ready to go out in the cold then. She came back in front door, I gave qwizl and tried to crawl back in for a few minutes but she was not having that. Out to eat breakfast in the freezing 13 degree garage! I popped off the cover and hot wired the system to warm the place up which will end up taking all day. Inside I made my caps and did some marketing quick and yesterdays blog finished and loaded.

Time to shower before I finished up the Hometalk tutorial I was working on last night for an end table. Back out to the garage, I distressed the sofa table then added more painted and left to dry in the cool temp.

The parcel was unboxed and put together, I LOVE it!!

Isn't it pretty?

Seeing the horses were in around 11:30, I bundled up and went and caught Switch and removed the bandage. I text B to see if she might be able to pop out seeing it was her day off and fed Switch and let it soak till she arrived. The cats got the new fancy pate box and door opened. B found a small hole in the area suspected so hope it has now popped, She did seem to be walking a bit better. We repoulticed and wrapped and set her free while B fed Bird. 

I had given Harley a section of the deer carcass S had in the barn freezer so she was obsessed with it. She played a bit of keep away with Cooper before B took them back home. She is getting her hair colored today; first time in her whole life. H played keep away with me too until I went out with gloves, got the bones and stuffed them in a snow bank for later and brought her in.

first time she has ever dyed her hair in 23 years!

Leftover turkey taco meat and cheese on chips with an ice tea were lunch while H napped before her big graduation class. I worked on more computer stuff before prepping to go at 2. I tried a ramp Sharon gave us to get H in the back seat. This took longer then expected as she was very wary of it. Eventually I got her up and in and on the road before 2:30. As we turned onto #1 heading west I got a message asking if we were ok seeing we had missed our class at 2:30, WTH! Sure enough it was scheduled for then but in my head I thought 3. Luckily she had an opening at 3:45 so I whipped around and went to Paetz's to pick up a thermostat for the garage. I had a visit then left there before 3:30. We made it in 10 minutes only to have to wait until 4 as it seems the 2 after me were late for their times as well.

Graduation class is a review of all we learned without any coaching and we aced it.. all accept the hurdle which at 6 boards she was basically a batter ram at the last minute. We went back down to 4 and got it done. We had our picture and certificate and loaded finished at 4:20 then on the road home. Once out of the truck H promptly dug up the bones I had buried in the snow and got busy gnawing. It is getting dark at 5 but it is PLUS 5 out so she can work them over for awhile yet. I worked on marketing. The wind picked up but it seems to be a chinook wind.

She came in and had a nap before a late supper after 6, totally not like her and then she was back out chewing on the bones. I had the last of the borscht and worked on writing todays blog. I remembered I had left the cat door open so went out at 7:30 and put J away and fed them all, Britt was at the house dropping the dogs off as she was off to meet a friend in Chestermere at 8 for a drink. Sheldon told me which terminals to hook the wires to and I installed the thermostat in the garage and got it warming up finally.

who knew I was an electrician? :)

I did some more computer work while the dogs all chilled on beds and in kennels. I still am not able to have them all together as Harley wants to play and Lexi is not having it. I crawled into bed with the snoring Lexi and watched more YouTube and listen to podcasts until Britt was back after 10:30 to pick up the two dogs so Cooper again has a buddy while B works tomorrow.

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