Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Harley and Clover meet

No amazing sunrise after 7 am today but it looks to be another nice day. They are saying it will come to an end here soon ;( H and I did our usual up to the marketing and cappuccinos before heading to garage to work on the dresser. the top was clear coated and the entire base clear waxed. Once complete all was buffed and the hardware put back on.

I cleaned the faux wood side table then primed it with a new product for shiny surfaces. I finished up just in time to have my online Etsy store review and help meeting. The gal had many great ideas and tips to improve sales. I will work on them later today. Shaina was up by 11 having chili for breakfast at 11:30. I ate a piece of pizza then waited for Britt to pick me up. We are running to Lonestar to pick up food for Jessie/Mom to send home tomorrow after her teeth done. Shaina was finishing up computer work then off to the gym.

We were in and out of the store in short order and back to the ranch with our co pilots in the back seat. We unloaded and B mixed up the food for Jessie and Bird with some special oil that Bird HATED. New food for bird, Jessie however liked it and now had 2 bowls to eat having left all the beet pulp B had made for her before we left. Lots of choices if she wants.

While B was feeding horses I had cut off Switch's bandage and had her standing in the pasture in her bucket of water for 15 minutes. B came and we applied the new poultice and wrap. I got Harley and her collars, loaded her up and was off to town to Amanda's for Harley and Clover to meet, go for a walk and play. Shaina met us and Archer came along too. We walked the neighborhood across the bridge looking for Stouts soon to be new home eventually finding it (with text & photo help to Sharon). As well we stopped to visit with friends whose daughter Shaina's age had bought a new house in the area and they were putting up Christmas lights and just so happened to have a puppy as well. Back at the Paetz house the puppies got to play and the other kids meet her now that Aislyn was up and kids home from school.

watch them play video

shake a paw

sporting her new collar Sharon fixed end of

Shaina and I were off and home by 4 for snacks and computer catch up. I cooked up a healthy supper for us to enjoy before Shaina's online meeting at 6:30. Pots scrubbed, kitchen cleaned and it was back to catching up on computer work. I wrote a tutorial for Sharon's bread box.

Just after 9 I grabbed my coat and took Harley out, put J back in the shop and checked Jessie's food. She had licked both tubs clean but left the beet pulp still. Looks like the others will be happy to get it tomorrow. Back inside it was time to finish up on the computer, have a shower and hit the sheets after 9. However I started a new Netflix series The Haunting Of Bly Manor watching 2 episodes before shutting out the light.

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