Saturday, November 28, 2020

Bale jumping is a sport

The chinook winds started to howl and woke me at 3 am and again at 5. I looked and plus 3. It was still blowing when H like clockwork sat in the bedroom doorway just before 7:30. The sunrise had a chinook arch look to it. While she ate I buffed and oiled the navy silverware chest that was just sold on my Etsy store and created a box and gather packing to get it boxed up. 

I made coffee and served the prince a cup in bed as he slumbered. Time to get the hipping label done but the gal chose a snail mail option so contacted her to see if wanted to increase. She kindly agreed to pay the extra via paypal which ended up being a nightmare trying to get working as paypal was taking .50 service charge for $5 CAD.

I jumped in the shower while waiting for another option to pay. Shaina was up by 9:30, made a cap and helped Sheldon who was now up with his hair cut then she was off to the city to go wedding dress shopping with her friend Emily.

Harley found a sun ray to nap in while I showered.

We loaded Harley and some tools up and headed to town after 11. First stop to drop off the Etsy parcel then grab lunch at Opa. Harley was dropped off with Britt and Cooper on our way to the Paetz home by 12:30. S did his electrical thing while Aj and I visited. 

the massage parlor is open


B wanted to trim feet so eventually seeing S was not finished by 3 I took Asher and Ada with me and headed home. Britt had already been there for an hour and tweaked the toes she felt needed it. The kids and I played ball with Harley and the kittens. B and Coop headed home as I came in. The 2 youngsters played on the bales which is always a kid favorite game. I worked a tutorial for the custom navy bar stools and finished after supper.

Craig drove Sheldon home bringing Archer along around 4:30 checking out the deer then coming in for a visit before heading home around 5:30. I made some pho, pot stickers, jalapeƱo poppers and leftovers for our supper. We headed to bed early on a Saturday night with S on his phone and me reading my new library book; The Universe Has Your Back . Shaina arrived home after 1:30 again with Harley alerting us to her arrival.

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